Finally a warm and sunny day out on the porch.
Let us hope the summer have come to stay.

Have been working on my Antique sampler in the sun today, listening to the bumble bee buzzing in the flowers on my table. Rusken had to study it properly, but he did not like it when the bumble bee almost sat on his nose LOL

Some goodies in the mailbox. From Monika I got this wonderful homemade card and a cute little stitchery. Have already started to stitch it. And the chocolate is gone. Thank you so much Monika.

And from Gudrun I got this lovely items. Cute tiny knitting sticks, a luggage tag, a cute bag and delicious chocolate. Still got some left of those. Big hug to you. Love it.

Some weeks ago I looked through my stitchery box and found a lot of finished unused stitcheries. I am preparing for a sales market this autumn and thought a good idea was to make……

some drawstring purses. Four finished today. Just have to find some cords to pull it together now.

also found some more stitcheries in my box…….

and have prepared for four new drawstrings purses. It is so fun to make these. And if they are not sold, I guess the family will get drawstring purses for Christmas this year LOL
Saying for today:
This was written on the home made card I received from Monika. I love what it says.