I promised to show you how I made my cubes. I have tried to scan the templates, but did not suceed with it right now. So I post the templates later. Perhaps if I place them on my cuttingboard you will see the size of them???
I start with three "diamonds" in light, medium and dark. To have the cubes turne the way I have them the light fabric goes to the left and the dark to the right. If you swap them the cubes will turn the other way. Medium always on the top.

Stitch them together. If anyone wonder how to do handstitching I found
this link that describes it very good. I love handstitching. It is so relaxing and I think the quilt get a softer look.

Here are my pieces stitced together and you can see the cube.

This is how I iron it.
Then I add triangles on two sides. I have chosen different very dark colours (black, green, blue and even a dark red)

Now another cubes is laying besides the first one. And you can see how I add them next to eachother.

On each end I have to add another triangel and a ??? "sort of rectangel" LOL The same pieces have to be added on the other side when I have got as many cubes I need for this row.

A close up of the pieces on the end.

The next photo showes that you have to start with two cubes down in the right corner. Then you add row by row diagonally. You see how I have added big diamonds and half diamonds at the bottom. Likewise the same has to be done on the top.

This is how far I have come on my cube quilt. I am still working my way up. Have to make two more long rows, and then it will go faster as it will be fewer and fewer blocks in each row.
Thank you may Britt for taking the time to do the write up.
Very much appreciated..
Thanks for the tutorial on making cube blocks. I've saved it for working on my own project this summer.
I have always wanted to do this type of quilt. Maybe I can work up the confidence.
Nice Quilt and a easy way to do it is easier after seeing how you do it. Thank you for share.
Oh, my God, May Britt ! What have you done here, my friend ? LOL
THANKS for this ! (you're sooo good at tutorials !)
Hugs & smiles,
oh my is that stunning!
This is really nice May. I like the way the dark tris frame the cubes! I am swapping diamonds on th e Inklingo swap and collecting ideas for how to use them and this one will be in the running for sure!
This is beautiful and you have inspired me to dig into my stash and make a beautiful quilt like this!
What a great tutorial May Britt! Your instructions are always so clear. You must be a wonderful teacher!
Lovely cubes quilt!
That quilt is absolutely stunning!
Yes, I'm commenting again. I haven't been able to get this quilt out of my mind.
So even though I have stated on MANY occasions that I will never hand sew a quilt.... I went and bought some fabric specifically for this.
Seeing as I work full time and I'm raising 4 boys on my own, I estimate that this quilt should be finished by the year 2032....
(The dark triangles really make this quilt stand out. You're very clever.)
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