Do you not know what to sew this weekend????
Perhaps you want to make a pincushion???
You need:
2 inch paperpieces (or if you want to do a smaller one you can use 1 1/2 inch)
Cut: 5 dark 2 1/2 inch squares, 5 medium 2 1/2 inch squares and 5 light 2 1/2 inch squares. (or cut in size 2 inch if you make the small one) Use matching fabrics.

Start to "dress" all the pieces. One little tip is to use a tine little spot of glue on the middle of the paperpirce when you place the fabric. Makes the fabric lay still when you sew it on.

Then take four of the light fabrics and sew them together as a fourpatch. But you have to leave one side open. Look at the photo.

This is because you now have to sew the fift light piece in between these two pieces. Look at the photo below and you will understand how I mean it.

Do the same with the five dark fabrics.

Sew the medium fabric in between the dark fabric you have. Look at photo below and you will understand how.................... (so I hope LOL)

And when you have done this you will have two parts looking like this.

Now comes the tricky part. You have to sew it together :) The light part is the top of your pincushion and have to be sewn together with the dark/medium part. The edges of the light part is to be sewn together against the edges of the medium part. Look at the photo. If you sew it wrong together, that will work too, but you will get another shape on your pincushion.

You may have to remove some of the paperpieces to make it easier to sew together. But make sure you remove paper from pieces that have been sewn on all four sides.

Remember to leave one side open so you can turn the right side out :)

Remove all the paper

and tur the right side out.

Stuff the pincushion with batting and make sure to get batting all out in the edges. Sew the opening. Now you have to use one of your beautiful buttons and sew it on the middle of the pincushion while you sew through the pincushion from the top to the bottom and tighten it together. And now you have a big or a small pinchushion depending on what size of paperpieces you have used. Please email me if there is any question about doing this.
Quiltsaying for today:
If there are no Quilting Bees in Heaven, I ain't going!
Very very cute ! I will try this week end ! Thank you very much and have a nice class
It's even cuter than I imagined ! THANK YOU soo much, my friend !
(I'll post a photo when I'm done - tonight, or tomorrow the latest - at least I'll have a FINISH this month, thanks to YOU!)
Biiig hugs & smiles !
That is absolutely adorable. It looks confusing and then it doesn't, then it does, then it doesn't. LOL Will have to give it try soon.
Really cute pincushion! I posted about your tutorial over at
I am going to have to try making one of these. Thanks for the tutorial.
Very cute pincushions. I hope to try it -- I am a bit spacialy challenged - so when I decide to give it a go you may get an email or two :))
Thanks for the tutorial
Great! Thanks so much! maria daniela in Rome
I had to try and make one - with 1 inch squares. :) Ofcourse I made a mistake, and it ended up a ball - but a very cute ball. The second try went better. I'll post pictures of the results in my blog.
If you stuff it will wool it will keep your pins and needles clean and sharper. Adorable pattern!!
Very nice - thanks for sharing.
Great to see this up on whip-up :-)
Thank you for a great tutorial for this very cute pincushion.
What does the paper do? Do I sew through two layers of paper and two layers of fabric on each edge?
I'm also confused about the use of the paper.... Not really sure how or why it's used, it looks like the edges of the fabric are ironed over the edges of the paper before sewing the squares together? hmmm, sorry if this is a silly question - I'm not a quilter (yet), will have to ask my mum about it!
What an excellent tutorial!! I've always wondered how those were made. Now I have to try one! Thanks May Britt!!!
What a lovely pin cushion! How kind of you to share your talents! Thank you so much for taking the time to provide a tutorial! Happy quilting!
This pincushion is so cute - one more project I just have to do!! Thanks.
i am not sure i will be able to do this but i want to thank you for it!!!i will try !!have a nice day!!
Very so nice!!! Many thanks Aby :)))
Vielen Dank Aby !!! I will try to do it . It will stay in my blogg whith a block that you do . A hug , Vero
Wow! This is a cute pincushion that I must give a try. Your tutorial is superb! Thanks you
THANK YOU for this tutorial.. I am going to make one in my vacation!! thanks Mai-Britt,for your tutorial,i did it LOL.bye,Rosane
What a wonderful project... It turned out great.
it looks like difficult...but i will try!!
I've made this pincushion before as a gift for a friend...I somehow goofed up, though, and it turned out looking like a moroccan floor-cushion!! Ooops!! I realized after that I should have turned the inner pieces 1/4 of a turn more!! My friend liked it, though, so that was ok! I suppose I should give it another try?!!
Mary Ann in Denmark
May, thank you so much for the tutorial. I, like others, made a mistake on my first one and it looks like a very cute dumpling. I had to get it right so I made another one. I found that I don't have the patience for paper piecing so I made the 2nd one on my machine and it turned out just great and was so quick. I'll definitely make more now that I know the right way. Picture here:
Quilty hugs!
As soon as I saw this I know I have to try it. Thanks for this tutorial. Greetings, Iris
I made mine !! Thank you so much !!
esto sta espectacular graciass
Thanks so much for this tutorial.
I already made two of these, and one stitched version on linen.
Ohhh thankssss muchas gracias por el tutorial ya lo estoy intentando
Toda for this great toturial
I will try to do one, did the paper in the begning is must ?
very cute! something to do on a rainy day..thank you!
Hello, Landing to your blog for the first time. No regret that I found this tutorial. Very informative and just like what I am looking for. I will make it asap and will link the tutorial to your blog.
Thank you for sharing your pin cushion, it is fantastic. I made one for myself this week, but didn't pay attention to your instructions so it came out upside down LOL. I popped a picture on my blog if you would like to see.
I did just as someone other did , turned to a moroccan floor-cushion and I want a cute flower. I don`t understand how to turn it so it fits and become a flower ?
Could you please explain it
so I might understand it too ?
I can`t see it on the pictures.
Best wishes
Thanks May!
I made one of this for Stitchers Angel.. You can see photo on my blog..
I'm not a good sewer, but I love this pincushion!! =)
Ale xxx
Hi again
I managed to find out to do the pincushion.
If anyone want to see it it is on my blogspot.
Thanks for tutorial.
I made it but mine turned out completely different. I've read your instructions and I know some other ladies also turned out differently. I'm going to do it again and try again. I like the way this turned out but I still like yours better. I'll keep trying until I get it right. I love your blog, happy holidays. Hugs, Linda
Thanks for this fantastic idea. :)
I have made the pincushion. It is so cute and think I will make more for friends. Thanks for sharing.
I love pincushions! Can't wait to try this one.
This is such a cute pincushion!! I posted a link to your tutorial on Craft Gossip Sewing:
May please take a look at my Sew Prim Khris blog and read the latest post about a "person" stealing tutorials...I think your pincushion is one of them. Hugs Khris
Thanks for your tute! Just made one today :)
many thanks for this tutorial..
Thanks for this tutorial
I found it yesterday. Now i am sewing a lot of them for gifts for my friends.
It is so easy with to do with your pictures.
Greets from Germany
only just found your blog and will be having a go at this later today, thank you
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