Wednesday, January 31, 2007
A message from Hanne
A big hug to Hanne from all of us.
A valentine card
I will try this pattern as soon as I get som more free time. Just now I am so busy with preparing the registration for our annual quilt meeting in the Norwegian Quilt Association in march. I am going to Grimstad (a citiy in the south of Norway) this weekend and we are going to have a working weekend. I promise I will bring my camera and show some photos of this beautiful city.

Sunday, January 28, 2007
Playing with my cubes
Our lives are like quilts - bits and pieces,
joy and sorrow, stitched with love
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Siggie Swap

(Please forgive me Cynthia for using your photo in my blog :)
Work for fabric
Quilt saying for today:
Sewing and crafts fill my days
not to mention the living room, bedroom and closets
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Elverum quiltgroup january meeting
Quilt saying for today:
You can always tell a quilter
from the threads she wears!
......and cathair :)
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Still cold outside
This is what I made today. Three scissor holders. They are wery easy to make and give nice protection for the scissor while travelling. I am sure you too take good care of your scissors. I have one (read; several) scissors for fabric, and I have old scissors I use for paper. And no one in my family dares to use one of my scissors without permission.
Quilt saying for today:
The only place where housework
comes before needlework
is in the dictionary.
~Mary Kurtz
Sunday, January 21, 2007
A lot of sewing
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Siggie swap
Cynthia and I have started to "talk" about details in a siggie swap among us bloggers. So if you want to join a blog siggie swap please write a comment on Cynthia's blog. We have to organize this some way and make some rules. What about the postage cost from "swap mom" back to you? Do you have any ideas how to do this? And what pattern should we sew? It must be an easy and fast one to make. What do you think? Please make a comment to Cynthia and tell her.
It's freezing cold outside
I have made this little stitchery. I loved the saying on it. I will sew some beads in the hair on the girl to the left and some beads that will be a necklace on the other two girls. And then I will put this stitchery in to a .........wait and see. I hope to do this .......... this weekend. LOL, come back and see what it will be.
Have a nice weekend all of you. Hope you get a lot of sewing done. I'll be back with my sewing report later this weekend.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Friendship among quilters
I want to show you this top. Some months ago I got a question if I had been in a siggie swap. I do not remember who asked, but here it is.
Some years ago (read: many years ago) I participated in a siggie swap started on a dear Jane list. When I look at the blocks I can see it was in 2007 (six years ago!!!!) I made many siggie blocks and got as many as I made back. And I made this quilt, and it is big. It is about 150 blocks in it. And they are mostly from USA, but also from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Austria, Canada, Finland and Australia (if I remember correct, did not have time to study it now).
Sunday, January 14, 2007
No buying fabric

Block number 13 AD
I have started to work again on my "Country Whig Rose" wall hanging from the book Simple Blessings. I love the two books from Kim Diehl. I have appliqued the four blocks in the senter and now I am going to start on the inner border. I have found the fabric which I think I am going to use in the border. Since I do not have a design wall (my sewing room is too small) I always take photos of what I am planning. I am playing with colours and when I am satisfied with the look I take a photo of it. Then I can look at it later when I am working on it to see where to place the different fabrics. I have to find another green for the outer border. I will have a darker green there. Do you agree? On the outer border there will be more application.
And I finished this little angel stitchery. I do not know what to make of it yet....... time will show. I am going to Oslo today because of a meeting tomorrow so I have to go into my sewing room and transfer a new stitcherypattern on fabric to bring with me. I'm very clever doing tops, but to finish them into something.......... :) I am not so good at that. I have a lot of stitchery waiting to be turned into something. I have ideas, but....... :) But I think I'm not the only one.
Quilt saying for today:
A family is a patchwork of Love !
Thursday, January 11, 2007
One ufo almost finished :)
I have blogged little this year because I have been very busy. Have worked late several days and when I come home I have worked with the registration for the Norwegian Quilt Associations annual meeting. But as you see I have been able to handquilt a lot when I have relaxed in front of the tv.
My next block for the AD (Applique Design) is prepared and I intend to sew it tomorrow. I am so looking forward to fridays. Friday is a sacred day for me. I always clean my house on thursdays (if I have to LOL) and when I come home from work on fridays I love staying home and relax with my DD, boyfriend, good food and perhaps a glass of redwine. They use to teas me because when the clock is almost nine I start to yawn and zzzzzZZZZZZZZZ. But it feels so good, doesn't it ?
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Applique Design - block 12
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Applique with freezerpaper
First I trace the pattern on to the background. This make it more easy to know where to applique all the details later. If you look close you perhaps can see the pattern. But I use a light blue aqua trickmarker to trace the lines and it do not shows so good at the photo. I use aqua trick marker because I can wash the lines away when I am done with this block.
And this is how it looks at the right side. All the applique is done and I can start stitching the other lines. But I have to wait until tomorrow.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Goals for 2007
Yesterday it was the first day at work in the new year. Very hectic but ok. I feels good to come into daily routine again after all the relaxing, eating, partying and sleeping. I am too old to stay up until five in the morning :) I have still my christmas decorations up, but will remove them this weekend. I have felt a bit lost this christmas. I have not been able to sit and sew at my favorite spot because I had to move my sewingligth to another place because of the christmas tree. And the tree is also blocking the wiev to the tv. It feels not right to sit and sew in the sofa. Perhaps thats why I have got so little sewing done during the christmas. Looking forward to get my sewing spot back again :)
My main goal for 2007 is to have fun with what I am doing. I will not stress and feel guilty if I do not finish a project. If I find something new I want to try I'll do it. And I know I'll be tempted like before. There is always so much inspiration on your blogs and I discover new patterns and books all the time.
I have joined a challenge. In fact I think it was I who suggested it. I am going to sew "Applique designs" with Nadine and Darlene. There is 50 blocks in this quilt and if we sew one block each week we will have the top finished next christmas. I have already done 12 blocks and can have a slooooow start.
But I love making these small blocks and therefore I spend yesterday evening preparing 5 new blocks. I ironed the freezerpaper templates on fabric and cut them out. I place each block in an envelope to keep them in order. I even traced the pattern on to the background so the blocks are ready to be appliqued.
I have also joined Sandie's UFO/WISP 2007 challenge. I have decided I'll try to finish one ufo/wisp each month. May be more if they are small. I like the word WISP (work in slow progress) better than UFO (unfinished objects), or perhaps WIVSP (work in very slow progress) even better. I will not list my WISP's because they are too many and I do not know which one I am going to start with. I'll rather surprise you and show them when they are done.
I will continue handquilting on the quilts I already have started to handquilt. But when I going to finish WISP's I'll try to machinquilt. Number one reason for doing this is that they will be finished faster, number two reason is that I need more practice machinquilting and number three reason is in fact that I trust myself that much now in machinquilting. Think I am starting to get good results.
I'll reduce my fabric stash. And I promise you I'll use my newest fabrics. Why save them for later. It's now they are beautiful. I have saved a lot of fabrics because I have not "dared" to use them. But when I look at them months (years) later I find them dull and not so pretty anymore. So let us use our newest fabrics. I challenge you to do that too. I believe I'm not the only one saving new fabric for later.
I think this may be realistic goals. I know I'll get tempted and start on new projects. But I also know I'll reduce my WISP's. I know I'll buy more fabric, but I will try hard to reduce my fabric stash.
I am looking forward to a new year of visiting your blogs. And I hope you visit mine.
I will leave comments on you posts and I hope you leave comments on mine.
Let 2007 be a year filled with inspiration, friendship, joy and good health.