Have you had that feeling too? Desperately wanting to sew, but you don't have the time for it. And when you are not have time to sew, hundreds of new ideas pops up in my head. Browsing through all your blogs does not help anything, you all give me new ideas. This week has been very very hectic. Every day I have brought home papers from work. And I have worked until it was time to go to bed. Not a stitch is sewed these days, and I start to be desperate now. I WANT TO SEW!!!!!
I went in to my sewingroom and found this box. I love boxes like this to store my projects. This box I bought when I came home from a visit in France. When someone at work are abroad we always buy sweets for the others. I bought this box filled with sweets. And I told them they could it it all, but the box was mine :) Do you want to see what's in the box?

My long lost needle threeder. I inherited one from my mother so I have not been without, but it is good to have one extra..... just in case.

In the box was also all my nine patches. All of them is hand stitched and each mesures 3 x 3 inches. I have prepared a lot of squares and it is fun to play with them to find the right colours put together. I will try not to have two similar dark fabrics in the nine patches.

I do not know what I finally will make of it. Right now I am just playing with them. Perhaps I should have this on my weekly goals. Make at least 3 nine patches a week??? You probably think I am crazy doing all this by hand. I know it is faster to it with machine. But when I handpiece all the ninepatches gets equal in size. And I love relaxing with my small pieces in my sewing spot.
But this seems so long time ago. I am desperately in need to sew now!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be creative!!!!! Need to feel fabrics in my hands!!!!!!!!!!!
Cleaning up in my bathroom today I noticed my bag that is hanging there. I do not think I have showed you this one. I made it some years ago. Think it was a pattern from australien patchwork and quilting. I love this bag and I would like to make another, but I can't find the magazine. Perhaps one day I will have time to look through all my quilt magazines (Oh my God....that will take a looooong time, because I have plenty of them) to find it againg.

Tomorrow it is friday again, and I hope I will get time to sew.
And I bought a new car today!!!! The old one got condemned
I bought a Mazda 626 Gxl 99 mod. And I think I'll get it next wednesday.
Saying for today:
Stressed is desserts spelled backwards
NEW: I have reloaded the photos again since some of them did not show. I do not know what went wrong in the first time. Thank you for noticing me of it. Photos is very important in blogland you know :)