Thursday, March 29, 2007

march quiltmeeting

This evening I went to our monthly quilt meeting. Although it was warm and sunny spring weather outside a lot of ladies was there. And one of them was Reidun. She is the Queen of Hexagons. She makes so lovely quilts out of hexagon, and when I asked her to blog my photos of her quilts she permitted that. So now I will show you some of the quilts she has made of hexagons. And most of the hexagons are small.....very small.

She makes beautiful quilts doesn't she. It is fun to play with english paper piecing. And easy to bring when you are travelling. She has now started a sort of challenge where she is giving us patterns of different ways to use hexagons each month. (I know Nadine, you should be here now and see all the samples she brought)And this is what I won today at the quilt lottery. A beautiful springlike piece of fabric and a lot of hexagons. Guess I have to make some of the patterns we got today.

This weekend will be a sewing weekend. I have a lot of plans. My log cabin easter table runner (which I made two years ago) will be basted and machinequilted. I want to get the binding on my tulip runner. And baste and machinequilt my chicken table cloth.(which I also made two years ago). And that means a lot of bindings to do :( Why do I hate to do the binding. But I want to finish them so I can use them THIS easter.

Saying for today:

Everyone smiles in the same language

Monday, March 26, 2007

My students in the hand stitching class

I have a class of six ladies who now are learning how to handstitch. They are learing different tricks and tecniques in how to make traditional blocks. Starting with ohio star, drunkards path, hands all around aso and in the end they will put them together to a sampler. They are learning it so fast and asks for more patterns all the time. And I enjoy teaching them. Below are photos from the class. One lady had to leave early and did not come on the photo.

And here is some of the blocks they have made so far.
It will be fun when they have sewed all their blocks together. Although they have used the same patterns, the fabrics make them so different. But we still have 3 more evenings left before they can show their tops. And then they have to hand quilt them on their own.
It is so fun that the last days I have got comments on my tutorial about making cubes. If you do make some cubes pleas let me know.
And a little request for you who comments on blogs. Several of you still comes up with no reply. Please check your profil if you allow your email adress to show. It makes it more easy for us to reply.
Quilt Saying for today:
Quilters aren't greedy, they're just materialistic

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Look at this beautiful photo of crocus I took today. It has been a warm beautiful day and we have been sitting outside in the sun. I felt the sun against my face and heard the birds singing. Spring is here.

It can still be cold days with snow, but seeing this flowers make me believe that spring is here and we are going towards summer.

I had a great weekend. Went to Oslo to see my boyfriend and yesterday we met my son and celebrated his birthday with a pizza. It is hard to realize that my little boy now is 24 years old. I remember the day I gave birth to him. A big struggle :) and I was so happy when I got to hold him in my arms. I love him so dearly and I am happy to know he is doing all right on his own. I am so proud of him.

Sewing....yes I finished quilting my tulip table runner.

Saying for today:
Spring is Nature's way of saying let's party!

Friday, March 23, 2007


There was 20 shops at our annual quilt meeting. And every shop showed a lot of beautiful things. When I am browsing through the shops I always take photos of things I might do some day. My mind is always ocupied with looking at patterns, books, fabric and stuff, so when I comes home I do not remember what I saw. So dokumenting ideas on photos is very good. Then I can look at them when I come home. So now I will give you a little tour through the ideas I got from the shops visiting our annual meeting.

A beautiful heart with buttons. A saying sorrounds the heart.
Would be nice as a gift for a friend.
A beautiful stitchery. Do not remember the name of the book.
But I sure will buy this when I find out.
The book was sold out when I got to this shop.
This stitcheries is from the same book.
And here they have added stitchery from the same book
to a purse pattern from Pia Godske Rasmussen.
You understand why I got to have this stitcherybook?
A beautiful table runner pattern from AnnAKa.
I will use my newly bought light green fabrics to make this one.
A look into Northern Quilts shop.
Wenche has specialized to design norwegian stitchery pattern.
Another photo from Northern quilts shop.
Here is Siw who owns Quiltegården . Also one of my favorite quiltshops.

In one shop I saw this apple core table topper. I want to make this.
But the templates were sold out. So I have to order them.
A beautiful easter table runner.
and some hens.
A cat purse.
I bought the pattern for this toilet purse, and want to make it soon.
And finally a beautiful romantic quilt.
My brain is now filled with ideas for new things to make. But will I ever do them?? That's the big question LOL. I think I'm not the only one having hundreds of ideas after coming home from a quilt event. New books, new patterns, new fabrics. Inspiration from the shops, the exhibition, show and tell and not to forget all the beautiful bags the visitors carried.

Today's FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!! That means I will sit in front of the tv and finally have some time to sew.....if I don't fall asleep in the chair LOL. Have a nice weekend everyone.
Saying for today:

If calories are an issue,
store your chocolate on top of the fridge.
Calories are afraid of heights
and they will jump out of the chocolate
to protect themselves.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Did I buy anything at the quilt meeting????

Not very much. I was a clever girl this time. Actually I did not have much time to visit the shops because of a lot of work with the whole event. But I got time to look a little bit through the shops and was able to spend some money.

I bought two books. Pat Sloans book Friend to friend quilts is one I have wanted to buy for a while now, and now I got a great bargain. I paid just a few dollar for it. And it was good I got a great bargain on the first book, because the next one was too expensive. But I had to have it. It has 156 cute little blocks. It is japaneese patterns translated to french. I know a little french, but the book has great photos to explain the patterns.
Take a peak inside the book. Beautiful isn't it.
And then I bought four patterns. Three with stitchery and one toilet purse. The stitchery is from the shop Northern Quilts which has so many great "norwegian" stitchery patterns. I plan to start on the spring table runner now.

And of course I had to buy this beautiful box. It is soooo romantic. Together with the light green/cream bundle of fabric and the one pink I bought. I will make a nice tablerunner of the fabric and put the box on top of it.
And I got a gift frm my good friend Anita. A bag with pattern and fabric to make a little angel bag. The local quilt group had made this bag and they called it Angel from Hell. A proof that there is angels in Hell :)
Yesterday evening I got some time to sew and it felt wonderful :)
Quilt saying for today:

I'm creative.
You can't expect me to be neat too.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Winners of the quilt contest

The Norwegian Quilters Association invited to a quilt contest with the title: "My inner space". A lot of beautiful quilts was entered this contest and here are the winners.

2nd place, made by Solvår Westly
also 2nd place: Made by Kjersti Thoen
And the winner: Made by Ellen Aase

Congratulations to all three winners.

My class with Katie Pasquini Masopust

When everybody who had joined the annual quiltmeeting had left on sunday evening it got so quiet. And we all had the feeling that the whole event had been very succesfull. The ladies had been to lectures, had seen our beautiful exhibitions, met new and old friends and done a lot of shopping. It has been a weekend full of laughter and smiles.

When all the ladies had left it was the boards time to go to a class. And this time we had Katie Pasquini Masopust as our teacher. She is a wonderful lady. The way she was teaching us is was brilliant. Did you know she is half Norwegian. She told us that her mother came from Drammen, and she emigrated with her parents to america as a child. It was Katie's first visit in Norway and we were happy to have her lecturing and teaching at our annual meeting.

I am not an art quilter, so this was something new for me. But it is always interesting to explore something different. So Katie made us do some fun exercises to compose quilts. She is writing a new book about compositions in art quilts.

On the first photo you can see the results of one of exercises. Mine is on the top left (that lime green one)

Never have the board been so silent together LOL. But we was so eager to do what Katie told us to do. Here we are drawing shapes to create a pattern. This was fun and I think I will try to make mine in to a quilt. That will be my first artquilt. I have to think about it, and play some more with the colours in it. But I love the way my shapes turned out.
Another excersise we had to to was to paint blind folded. Katie played different music and we had to paint on our paper. It was a bit scary, but very fun. It was not easy to know where to paint or what colours I got on my paintbrush. And we was to paint on our own paper and not on the neighbours. And we should also try not to paint on the neighbour LOL.
Of course I had forgotten (we all had) to bring a paintshirt. So we had to improvise. Look at me. I am wearing a apron made of bubble plastic. You know that kind that is wrapped around things, the one that is so fun to pop the bubbles on. They taped it on me and it worked just fine. They started to call me the bubble lady LOL
This is the results of our blindfolded painting. But what to make out of this?????? I am sure Katie have a explanation on it.
Katie was an excellent teacher. And I learned a lot of tricks how to design my own quilts. To make art quilts is so new to me. I am a traditional quilter by heart. But it would be fun to try to make one.
On the next photos Katie is showing how to sew this quilts together.

And finally Katie with the whole class.
I had a great time togehter with Katie. She is so lovely and inspiring. And she makes the most lovely quilts. Her ideas are so great. And her machinequilting is brilliant. So thank you dear Katie for visiting Norway and the Norwegian Quilt Association.
Quilt saying for today:
Angels paint with sound
and sing with color

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Back home :)

Have you missed me???

I have been in Hell. I'm not joking, I really have been in Hell. Hell is a place in Stjørdal, near by the city Trondheim. It was at this place The Norwegian Quilt Association had their annual meeting. It was a lot of joking about having the meeting at this place.

I found this photos on the net and borrowed them to show you. This one is from the train station.
This photo is the most sold postcard from this place.
We had a great meeting. About 300 ladies had registrated to this meeting. And I and Nancy was in charge of checking them in. Look.......we even had guards to protect us LOL. Because of that we could not lock the one exhibition room, the hotel offered to hire securitas guards.
This is the quilt we had for our lottery on sunday. One lucky person could win this one by buying lotterytickets. It was so pretty, but I did not win it.On friday evening when all the ladies (and one man) had arrived we had dinner together. A very tasty soup called Trøndersodd, which is special for this part of the country. After dinner Andre Rustad Wallenborg had a lecture of how he started making purses. This is a photo from the dinner.

This is just a short note to tell you I'm back home. I am tired after six days of hard work. Organizing a meeting like this is a lot of fun, but also a lot of work. So now I will unpack my suitcase ,which was SO heavy, but I did not have to pay for the overweigth luckily. I will show you more photos from the meeting, my class with Katie P Masopust, the shops and a lot of more. I had a great time with good friends, a lot of inpiration, laughter and fun. Now I'm off to bed and tomorrow it is a ordinary day at work. And hopefully I will now have some time to sew. I bought some books, patterns and fabric. I just could not resist.

Quilt saying for today:

Friends fill your life with joy,
your soul with sunshine,
And your heart with love.

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