Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Leanne in Trysil

Yesterday Leanne and Rohan arrived Trysil. They checked in at the hotel and then walked over to Laila's house for dinner. They were served moose for main corse and cloudberry cream for dessert. They loved both dishes. First time eating this kind of food. Here you can see Laila, Me, Leanne, Rohan and Siw around the table. We had a great time together.

Today I had brought my Leannes House and of course Leanne had to look at it. Here she is sitting behind my Leannes House to the left and Hannes to the right.
And look what she did. She wrote a label for me to put behind my quilt when it's finished. And I promised I finish it for tomorrow LOL . I have to get the outer border on and then baste it. And then I'm going to handquilt it. So it will take some time before I can put mine and Leannes label on the back. I'm so proud to have this label from her..........LOOK :)
Today we was having a class where we was going to make "The Frienship Basket". Leanne is a great teacher and are always having a smile on her face. Here she is telling us how to do needleturn applique.
And the whole class showing how far we got this day. This was a very small class, only eight ladies. I guess it was because it was in the middle on the week and most of the ladies is arriving on friday when she is having "Sit down and sew with Leanne"-class and another trunkshow. And the weekend class is full. But we had a great day with Leanne. And I feel we got special service.
Saying for today:
Blessings come in many ways...
The nicest come as friends


Jeanne said...

Oh, I love seeing the pictures from the workshop! Please keep them coming. The baskets are all terrfic.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful day you've had, and oh how special is that label? lucky you.

Anonymous said...

It's sooo nice seeing you all together, and reading about your days with Leanne ! THANKS for showing, my friend.
Your label is certainly something to treasure, and your friendship wallhangings are all going to be very nice ...

One question (as usual - LOL-) :
(must know for my visit !)

Hugs and smiles and goodnight !

Darlene said...

Oh, what a delightful day - so many wonderful memories being made with friends (old and new). And, your special label is wonderful.

Thank you for sharing!

Quilter Kathy said...

Thanks so much for taking the time to tell us about your fun with Leanne. I enjoyed seeing the photos and hearing about your adventures!

Mari said...

Moose and cloudberry cream.... mmmmm.

Looks like you are all having a wonderful time! And how truly special to have a label from Leanne to put on your quilt!

Yvonne said...

Oh what a wonderful day....thanks so much for sharing. I love your special. :)

CONNIE W said...

I don't see how things can get any better or more exciting than these you wrote about! So wonderful to have this casual time together and the lovely special quilt label! Sounds perfect!

Anne Ida said...

Ooohh! I wish I could have been there! I'm soo looking forward to the weekend! Lucky you to get a customized label from Leanne :o) Thank you for sharing the wonderful pictures! Hugs...

Anonymous said...

How lovely to be able to see what you are all doing with Leanne over in Norway.....she is a treasure...Enjoy the rest of the time she is with you. Lisa from Australia

Laila said...

Har dere det fint.Vi sees i morgen. Hils alle i kveld.
Hilsen oss i Trysil

Nancy in Norway said...

Thank you for sharing.
By now I should have been on the bus to your house to take part in tomorrows class with Leanne. Unfortunatly I'm still sick. I wish I could bee there.

Have a greate time.

Sølvis blog said...

Så koselig dere har det - fortsett sånn.

Chookyblue...... said...

thanks for the update.......sounds like you are all having a wonderful time........

Melanie said...

Thank you so much for sharing... I knew you would have so much fun..

Carole said...

Oh..... what a wonderful experience! I love your label and what memories the quilt with cherish! Your basket quilts look lovely. Thank you so much for blogging about Leanne's visit.

Tanya said...

What a wonderful chance to get together with Leanne. And to get a label from her! That is absolutely fantastic. I know that will inspire you to get your quilt finished quickly!

Doodlebug Gail said...

Lovely photo's and that label will make your quilt extra-special. Lucky you!

Wendy said...

How fun to have that special label from Leanne. The group made great progress on the basket applique.

Anonymous said...

This is so neat to see from your end after reading about it on Leann's blog too! I love it! ~A :-)

Elin said...

I like this basket! Please send more photos!

Leanne said...

It's great to see Leanne in Norway sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Your baskets look wonderful.

DIANA said...

It's so nice to see all of you having wonderful days with Leanne..your label is not to put behind the quilt but on the front!!!send my regards to Leanne!!
a question:do you understand all english spoken by her???did she learn some norwegian words??Diana from Italy.

Anonymous said...

What a special visit and I just love that quilt label. She is certainly a very talented lady.

Drucilla's Stitches said...

Thanks for sharing your pictures, they are great! I am new to blogging and wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog. You are so talented!

Libby said...

What a lovely day for you all and a special treasure to have the personal label to add to your quilt *s*

Judith said...

How beautifull. How nice to meet her. I would love to be able to.

Gudveig HN said...

Ser ut sonm dere har det koselig på kurs - og så flotte tepper dere ha laget der! Du har ellers mye flott på sidene dine!

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