Thursday, March 06, 2008


I visited Blueberry Lane Design blog today and she is having a giveaway. And she's asking us to show our most used pincushion. How fun :)

Because The Norwegian Quilt Association is having their 20th anniversary this year. And I'm in charge of a exhibition of pincushions. We've got a lot of registrated pincushions and I know we'll have a wonderful exhibition. We've got very old antique pincushions, new funny ones, chrochet pincushions, doll pincushions aso. It have been so fun getting mails from ladies who wants to show their pincushons on the exhibition. I can't show you any photos yet, but I promise I will when I'm preparing the exhibition first weekend in april.

And here is a collection of my pincushions.

But it was the most used pincushion she wanted to see. And here it is..................

I think the one besides my sewingmachine is the one I've used most. I'm thinking about making a new one because it's so dusty and worn out now LOL

And I found pattern of threadcatchers on net that looks alike mine if anyone else wants to make one. Look here and here .
And look at this link. Here you can find free patterns on a lot of Quilt Accessories.
Saying for today:
Anyone can give advice,
but a real friend will lend a helping hand


sewkalico said...

You do have some great pincushions! Thank you for the links :O)

Mary Ann said...

Great pincushion collection, May Britt! I see that there is one you don't have!!! Hmmmmm!!!!
PS Your quilting partner seems to have managed quite well despite her handicap!! I would imagine the weight of the cast would be an asset when rotary cutting! Cheers! Mary Ann

Susan said...

What a nice assortment of pincushions. That's a great thing to display at the show. I wish I could be there to see it!

Stina Blomgren said... many nice ones you have...I have a kit with a pincusion and threadcatcher like yours...I have had it for years...and never made it...;D..thanks for reminding me... (I

Libby said...

Great collection *s*

Noelia said...

Hello May,
it,s a great collection!!
thank you for the links, i want to make one and it,s perfect!!
Have a nice weekend!!

pip said...

Flotte nålepuder du har samlet dig, måske jeg skulle lave mig en, mangler til mine knappenåle når jeg syr. Du må have en god weekend.

Jo in TAS said...

Hi May,
You've got quite a collection of pincushions, I'm off to check out the links you've mentioned. I love sewing accessories

janetsue2 said...

I love your pincushions! Even the worn out one. Some of my friends have the same style.Thanks for sharing.

Perry said...

I like all of your pincushions, but the one on the top left is one I think I lost sometime ago. Please send it home, lol. Nice collection, May. Looking forward to pictures from the show.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing those links for the free patterns, I'll certainly be looking some up.

Teodo said...

Simply wonderful your collection.
..........and the pic where you are a model is great.
ciao ciao

julieQ said...

Thank for sharing your pincushions! Wow, you have some cute ones.

Charlene ♥ NC said...

Very nice assortment, but it is great to see the one you find most useful. I had always used the old standard 'tomatoe' ones until a couple of friends shared ones they made with me. Now they are my favorites! Perhaps I shall post about that, too.

Unknown said...

Great collection of pincushions, I see that many of them are red.

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