Thursday, May 22, 2008

An award and a little bit stitching

Today I got this award for creative bloggers from Anne Ida. I really appriciate it. And thank you for the lovely words you said about me.

There are so many wonderful bloggers on my bloglines list and all of them are so talented and creative. But I want to give this award to somebody that really means a lot to me:

Hanne and Nancy because you both are such wonderful true friends who I can share all my thoughts with. You both inspire me so much with all your ideas and enthusiasme.

We've finished the first round of painting on the front side of the house. And we'll start on the other side today if the weather allows us. Having thunder and rain today it's more like a sewing weather than a painting weather. I've discovered muscles I didn't know I had. My hips and legs are hurting like h..... LOL LOL So when I came inside yesterday I installed myself with a glass of wine, a heat pillow on my hip and some stitching. And Lost on tv :) Abstinence cured by doing some applique on the hearts for my advent calendar.

And I've pulled some forgotten books out of my bookshelf. Yes yes yes ...........Hanne and Nancy............I will start to look at my EQ5. I know you both have the newest version of it and you both have been teasing me about this. You both know this is my bad (very bad) conscience. I promise I'll look at it now...................when I got time between painting and stitching LOL

I've ordered some books the last days. Had to have some summer goodies to look forward to and as a prize for all the hard work painting.

I've ordered Annie Downs new book "Simple Pleasures" and Rosalie Quinlans new book "Little chicken feathers and friends" over at Honeysuckle cottage.

I've also ordered Anne Pia Godske Rasmussens new book "Hånd i Hanke" I got all her previous books so I had to have this one know LOL

Saying for today:

I keep my end tables full of needlework
and quilting so I don't have to dust them.


Monika said...

Grattis med Award en :-)
Du har ein Utrolig flotte blogg - og så er du jo SÅ flinke til å sy
Smil fra monika

Anonymous said...

Hi dear ! :>)
I was just wondering how you were feeling after all this hard work painting... but you were not connected, so I came to your blog, and got my answer LOL
I'm so glad you got that award from Anne Ida, you deserve it 1000% (got it too, but whether I deserve it or not, is another question ! LOL)

EQ5.... Hmmmm not for me, but I'm sure you're going to make GREAT use of it !

AND you were sooo right to treat yourself ! (nice choices ! I see wonderful projects coming out of these soon :>)

BIG (((hugs))) & smiles to you, dear,

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Congrats on the award...

Arlette said...

May, congratulations on the award. You deserve it. You have a very interesting and beautiful blog and I really enjoy your work, especially your beautiful quilts.
You deserve that glass of wine after everything that you've accomplished today!
Take care.

Anonymous said...

I think you will need to treat yourself to a nice massage when the painting is all done! Jo x

~Niki~ said...

I have a new blog to list your quilt blog, if you are interested, I'd love to have you join us!


Hello May, I just joined the Yahoo group for Pincushions and I just explored your blog. Lovely. Hopefully oneday we can exchange pincushions. Also I will have to have a look at on the net at the new books you order. They look wonderful. I love to stitch. take care Hugs Judy

Annette said...

Congratulations on your award. I think you have an awesome site and fun to peek in on it.

Chookasmum said...

Hi May Britt,
congratulations on the award you deserve it. I hope the painint is going well, and that your shoulders and muscles are holding up.

Käranån said...

Grattis till utmärkelsen!
Tack för din förklaring av "kråkorna" i min blogg, hade en aning om att det kunde vara ett ortsnamn.
Jag är alltid in och tittar in hos dig för du gör helt fantastiska arbeten!

Anne Ida said...

The hearts for the advent calendar looks great!

So you're getting to use your EQ5? Look forward to seeing what you come up with!!

Have a great weekend! You having rain as well? No painting then I guess :o) And perhaps some sewing time?

Christine said...

Congratulations on your award. You certainly deserve it - a great and inspiring blog.

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