I have been so busy the last week, and now I realized it is almost a week since my last post. Not much sewing going on. But I did a lot of preparing for "on the go projects" the last weekend. It is always so handy having projects ready in my sewingbag if I have to go out in a hurry.

I prepared 3 new blocks for Butterfly garden. I am so behind on this BOM. Only 4 blocks finished. 3 new prepared this weekend. And I know Kim is sending me the last 3 this week.

I also prepared two small stitcheries and my first package from the Giggle button Club. I love this Butterfly magic pattern and the buttons are sooooooooo cute. I need a new bag for our annual quilt meeting in march so I know I will make this bag.

Now I have my sewingbasket filled with "on the go" projects. Stitchery are traced with batting behind, embroidery thread is found, I even put a embroideryneedle in each stitchery. And all of it put togehter with the pattern in a plastic bag. So easy to grab when I need a project in a hurry.

And how are your progress on
for february month.

I am so happy I already have four finishes on my list. And still there is more days to get something finished........or not :) Both
Kris and I get reports on finished projects, so I know you girls are busy. And I hope you all feel as happy as me when something is finished. It is a really good feeling, don't you agree ??
The February OPAM prize is going to be drawn by me. I hope you all remember to list your finished projects in your sidbar list. On march 1st I will count all projects and each one will have a lottery ticket for february draw. If you have mailed me or
Kris about a finished project, but not listed it, I am sorry.....it will not count. And now you wonder what the prize is. In my prizebox I have collected a lot of stuff. Some Tilda stitcheries, some patterns, embroiderythread, fabric and more will be added. And perhaps I just close my eyes and pull out a couple of prizes from this box. Or I will look at the winners blog and find something that I think she will like. You just have to wait and see.
It is also fun getting mail from a no blogger OPAM telling me that she has startet to blog. So Anne Lise (no blogger) is now
Anne Lise with a blog.

There is a new blogger having a Giwaway - blog launch. So visit Judith at her blog
Creative studio. Tell her that I sent you :)
And I have found a new
free BOM over at Elefantz. Some cute wonky houses and it is only four parts in this BOM. So perhaps I trace the first house this evening :)

Saying for today:
The brain is a wonderful organ.
It starts working the moment you get up
and does not stop until you get into the office.
--Robert Frost