Sunday, August 24, 2008

At the cabin

Home again after a long weekend at the cabin. Bags are unpacked, blogs and mails are read. We have had some great days together.Every time we go to these sewing together weekends we have had wonderful weather. This time too. Rain during the night, but sun in daytime. So we have spendt a lot of time outside stitching.

And long walks in the woods. Look what we found. The mountain cranberries (tyttebær in norwegian) was ready to be picked.

And so we did.

A big bowle filled with these delicious red berries.

And now we could make my favorite dessert Trollcream. You just wipe the white of the egg together with suger very stiff and then add the red berries.

Yummy yummy yummy

and look at the wonderful pink colour!!

Ready to eat. Have to admit I ate toooooooooo much.

Not only dessert, but also these delicious cake.

Did we sew anything this weekend

take a look......

Every one of us had brought a lot of projects. Some ufo's, some new projects, a lot of fabric, patterns and books. So there was plenty of work for everyone. This is what we had for show and tell right before leaving the cabin.

And this was my projects for the weekend.
Finished the stitching on one of the cupcake wallhangings.
Started two small purses from a japaneese book.

And almost finished four of these thread bins with pincushions. Just have to fill birdsand in the pincushions.

Feel I have been very lazy this long weekend. Just eating, sleeping, laughing and a little bit of sewing. But think that was good for my neck which is feeling much better now. Time together with good quilt friends is great.

Starting tomorrow to do some serious cleaning up in my sewingroom LOL Now it's just a mess.

Saying for today:

- A friend is a person who goes around,
saying nice things about you behind your back


Stina Blomgren said...

Oh...what a wonderful weekend you have had...lovely weather...sewing...stitching ...laughing...and...those deserts !!!Oh my... need myself a sewing weekend soon!!!

Hanne said...

Looks like you had a great time.
Welcome home - it is good to see you again :-)

Carrie P. said...

Looks like a very fun and relaxing time. It is always nice to get away but it is always nice to be home too. All the projects look great.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Eating and sewing and spending time with friends. Nothing could be more relaxing. You sure did get a lot of projects done! Terrific.

Unknown said...

How nice that you had such a great weather. It seems that you all did a lot of sewing, not only eating :)

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

I see you had a wonderful weekend:-) So nice of you to share your pics, they are all lovely projects, but I have to admit, I fell in love with your japanese purses, they are so cute! I hope you share a picture of them when they are finished:-)
And by the way, I like your "saying for today" ;-)

Libby said...

Sleeping in the mountain air with the rain falling on the roof . . . sounds heavenly *s*

Calamity Jane's Cottage, Bonnie said...

What a great weekend you had, I love seeing pictures of friends together and doing the things they enjoy. I need to clean my sewing room too.
Keep Stitchen'


ÅÅÅ ser ut til dere har kost dere.
Produktiv har dere også vært både på bær og sy fronten. Her i nord venter vi på at tyttebæra skal bli moden. Har selv laget trollkrem av blå bær i dag m vaffel til.(Himmelsk)
Ha en fin og kreativ uke

Leanne said...

Looks like another lovely weekend your thread bins...I remember last years photos of the bags time flies.

Sweet P said...

Wow! What a happy, food-filled, sewing-filled weekend!

Pamela said...


blueberrylane said...

What a great weekend ! My 15 year old son was watching over my shoulder eyeing those berries off and the desserts.

Lorraine said...

wow...what a wonderful weekend....! looks like there was even some sewing!! times like this are good for the soul!

Anonymous said...

Lots of lovely eye candy and not all stitch related. That cranberry whip looks so yummy, and such wonderful projects you've all done.

Red Geranium Cottage said...

I love all your projects your working on.

Margaret said...

Sharing makes the world go round. Thanks for sharing your weekend with us all.

Inger said...

Det ser ut til at dere har hatt en riktig trivelig helg. Og så mye flott dere har produsert. Festet meg spesielt med teppet som henger på ytterdøra. Er det hytta di?

Joy said...

What a beautiful place to go with stitching friends. And that dessert and the cake look so good!! Looking forward to seeing your pattern for the Stitcher's Angel Swap :o).

Arlette said...

Looks like a fun time was had by all. It must be wonderful to get together with like-minded people who enjoy the same things that you do. It looks like you were able to accomplish so many projects while you were there. The desserts look delicious too.
Take care.

Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

You girls were certainly very busy for the weekend..
The food looked wonderful.
All the projects you all finishged look fantastic...
Those japanese purses are just gorgeous, as I like things all japanese...

Sonia said...

I love your thread bins, do you have a pattern for it and if so where is it available.

I know a friend it would be perfect for for christmas.


Helz said...

Luv the shot of the Stitching Girlfriends all sitting together outside in that lovely warm Sunshine...

Chocolate Cat said...

Oh it just all looks SO good. I love all the sewing that happened and the look of that cake - yummy and the sunshine and the 'trollcream'. I can remember picking cranberrys in Norway when I was 7 (so yes a very long time ago) and this post brought back so many memories. Thank you!

quilterpolly said...

I love all your work:) It is all about being with friends and enjoying what you like. I am glad you are back home safe and sound:)

Julia said...

........ and can I come too next year please????? LOL. What a great time you've all had - bet you could have stayed forever :0)

Ms. Jan said...

It looks like you had a fun and productive weekend and full of yummy desserts, too!
Can you tell me where I can get a pattern for the thread caddy/pincushions you make? I just love the shape of the them.

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