Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our yearly trip to the cabin

The sewingmachine is in the car. A big suitcase filled with fabric, patterns, thread, books and other sewing stuff is also in the car. Probably filled with too much, but what if.......... you know. Better bring too much than too little. A good book to read if I want some rest from the sewing. And a lot of smiles for my friends that I'm going to meet.

This is our annual trip to the cabin. If you're a regular reader of my blog you probably remember posts about these trips before. These trips started several years ago (ten I think)
and in the beginning we went to the cabin on saturday morning and back home on sunday. After some years we started on friday evening, then on thursday evening, and this time we go to the cabin on wednesday evening. We so enjoy these quilt trips to the cabin so we starts earlier and earlier each year.

Promise to bring my camera and take some photos of our projects this weekend

Happy stitching while I'm away!!

Saying for today:

Dogs come when they're called;
cats take a message and get back to you


Frogdancer said...

Hope you all have fun!

Laila said...

Havw a great weekend. Say hello to the others from me. Hugs.

Anonymous said...

Lucky you!

I hope you have a wonderful time.

Teresa said...

Have fun and stay safe!

Lorraine said...

Have a great time....and I am looking forward to the photos!

Julia said...

How lucky you are - sounds like a dream holiday!! I've just had a glance at your angel blocks and they are really good; you are very talented.

~Marica~ said...

Have a great trip with your friends and lots of chatting/laughing..

Take care!

Libby said...

Have lots and lots of fun.

Bloom said...

I do remember your posts about this trip! Surely it isn't 12 months since the last one? Have a wonderful time with your stitching friends. Hope you get lots done & look forward to the report when you return.

Anonymous said...

Have fun at the cabin! Love going on those trips. And your quote is so funny!

jodie said...

Have a wonderful time May Britt.

Thimbleanna said...

You guys are awesome May Britt -- before you know it you'll be taking these trips for a whole week LOL!

mascanlon said...

Have a wonderful weekend, I'll be looking forward to seeing all the projects you get done! I am always so impressed by how many lovely things you complete, a real inspiration!

rachelmp said...

Have a great time May Britt! Very lucky :)

Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

Have a great time while away stitching and quilting.
Can't wait for all the pics of the holiday.
You lucky person going on Hols.
Take Care

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

I hope you'll have a wonderful time at the cabin! Look forward to see pics when you get back:-)

Ozjane said...

But cats are so sweet smelling and curl up so neatly around your rear under the blankets....play spoons sleeping.........vbg

anne said...

ooooooooooh you lucky girl, enjoy your trip and I will check back to see what you got up to. Happy Stitching

teresa sako said...

Wow!, wonderfull. Hope you have fun and take care you don´t leave anything at home you will need there...
Say hello to all your friends.
...So, you are not back till monday or tuesday?
Hugs, Teresa Sako.

Nancy in Norway said...

Enjoy your yearly trip to the cabin.

Stina Blomgren said...

ENJOY!!! Hope for you a wonderful trip...and some fantastic projects ready to show us all!!

Leanne said...

Have a great break...looking forward to the photos on your return.

Abby and Stephanie said...

Have a fantastic time. I know it will be a fun and special time spent with your friends.

Hanne said...

Have a lovely trip - filled with fun, creativity, friends and laughter :-)

Inger said...

I hope that you will have a great weekend.

Anonymous said...

Have fun, lucky you.

Elaine Adair said...

Oh girl - have a great time!

Diana Banana said...

Sounds fun ... Have a great time!

Elin said...

A very very oval weekend, have fun!

Unknown said...

You will not be lonely this weekend :)

Hedgehog said...

Hope you all have a blast!! Happy to be back home after a long summer away - it's going to take me until Christmas to get caught up on my blog reading, though!

Karen H said...

Hi May Britt,
I hope you have a wonderful time at the cabin and I hope you got eveything in your car. In June I visited my daughter and grandson in Niagara Falls for a week and I missed getting quite a few things along that I wanted to on. I think I did find something that I had all that I needed. Do enjoy yourself and your time with friends.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

May Britt I am sure your trip to the cabin will be so much fun....enjoy....

Julz said...

Have a fantastic time stitching, the best part is just relaxing, laughing, sharing stories and enjoying the warmth of friendship. Look forward to seeing some pics of your cabin projects on your return. Hugs Jx

Tracey @ozcountryquiltingmum said...

Can it be that time again already? Have fun...and love those cupcakes-you are So organized! Tracey

Carin said...

Have a blast!

merete said...

Håper helgen har vært flott!

Har lagt ut awarder i bloggen til deg, sammen med takk for oppmuntrende kommentar/er i sommer!

Anonymous said...

Have a wonderful time! Sounds heavenly, wish I were there with you all!

My Little Part of Heaven said...

I am so happy I found your blog. It is very nice and look forward to reading more.

I hope you are having a great time at the cabin. I'm anxious to see your pictures.

Mary Johnson said...

What a great tradition, glad you had fun and got lots accomplished too.

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