A surprise visit

Last saturday Irene and I went for a surprise visit to another friends cabin. They did not know we were coming for a visit, and they became so happy when we drove up in front of the cabin. Brought only some stitchery and we had a lovely time out in the sun chatting and stitching.

Sunday we went for a long walk up in the mountain. Look at the wiew. Norway has such beautiful landscapes with all our mountains.

And I love this road sign up in the mountain.
April finishes

I do not know where april has gone. The days have passed to fast for me. I have so many plans and ideas, but just a few of them are done. At least I manage to sew the binding on my five placemats. And I really look forward to set the table with these. I have some fabric leftovers from this and think I will sew a little tablerunner for my kitchen desk.

And yesterday I finished this wool pincushion. My first attemt working in wool. It was made in a hurry and I know I will make the next one different. The flowers should have been embroidered at the sides, not at the top. But things made in a hurry makes you not thinking.
Can you see me sitting here, waiting for all OPAM girls to register
their finishes in their blog sidebar.
Remember the finishes will not count unless they are listed in your sidebar.
Today I am going away on a quiltweekend with
Hanne and Bente. That means I will not be able to check the sidebars until sunday.
Which again means the winner of april OPAM will not be published until sunday evening/monday morning. I have some prizes here for the winner, but I will keep it a secret right now :)

My suitcase is packed with fabric, patterns, rulers, red wine, chocolate, thread, batting and sewing notions....................................and yes of course a few clothes too. Looking forward to meet
Hanne and Bente (no blogger.....yet) for a lovely sewing weekend. Will bring my computer (and so will Hanne), so perhaps there will be some photos during the weekend.
Look at this giveaway over at
Dawn. Tell her that I sent you (maybe she'll give me extra points!)
Saying for today:
Equal amounts of dark chocolate
and white chocolate is a balanced diet