Sunday, October 25, 2009

A new project

Like I really needed a new project.

But when Homespun magazine vol 10.10 came in my mailbox I fell in love with Lynette Andersons design "Sweet Summer Song". And now I have started stitching on it.

When I saw the photo in Homespun I noticed it was a fiddle on the photo. That's why I also have a fiddle in my photo. My grandfather made this fiddle and I can remember him playing on it. He even tried to teach me how to do it, but the only song I manage to play was "twinkle twinkle little star...." But I am so happy to have his fiddle hanging on my wall.

I have another reason to start this project too. Next monday (nov 2nd) I am going to meet Lynette in Oslo. While she and her husband is visiting Oslo, she is giving a workshop and a trunkshow at Kathrines quiltestue, and I am going there together with Hanne. I am soooo looking forward to this meeting.

Frida cat loves to sit/stand by my kitchen window to watch cat-tv. My neighbour have started to feed the birds and Frida enjoys watching them. And she is so happy with all my flowers in the window so that she can hide behind them.

Saying for today:
Friends are like fiddle strings,
they must not be screwed too tight


Hanne said...

I am so much looking forward to next Monday too :-)
Just let me finish (and blog) wine cow #2 and I will be right next to you stitching away :-)

Anne Ida said...

*lol* Yup, you really needed a new project ;o) Looking good, though. And I guess you'll have heaps of fun stitching it.

I was also thinking I'd go to the trunk show, so I just might see you there :o)

Val said...

Oh I love this. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Cute new project, indeed ! ;>)
I'm so happy for you and Hanne to meet Lynette and have a workshop with them in Oslo. How exciting and thrilling!


PiecefulChaos said...

I love your new project and I'm very envious of your upcoming workshop with Lynette! Have fun!

Charlene ♥ NC said...

What a wonderful tribute to your Grandfather. I like the chart, too! Look forward to watching progress. Have a nice visit with the designer!

Kim Brackett said...

Cat TV! That's so funny! But what a good description. My cats do the same thing.

Mita`s hjørne said...

Tusen takk for at du ville være med å feire mitt lille jubileum...
Knallfin blogg du har - her må jeg tilbake å se ja...

Ha en super kveld...

Carin said...

Oh you are so lucky I would love to get to meet Lynette she is such a sweet lady!

Cattinka said...

Lucky you, you really get to meet Lynette Anderson! Have fun there, and I love the orchids in your kitchen window and also your new project!

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Cute stitchery! Nothing's like starting a new project :o)
Have a great time meeting Lynette, hope you'll have an exciting week :o)
Happy stitching,

Stina Blomgren said...

Åhhh... vad kul att träffa Lynette... ska bli kul att höra lite mer om... ha så kul!!! :o)

G'G'ma said...

I love your new project. It is gray and damp outside this afternoon and I'm thinking "new project" sounds much more fun than working on an old project.

Your orchids are beautiful. That window must have just the right amount of light.

Sølvis blog said...

Heldiggris som skal på foredrag til helga. Koselig med den fela di ja.

Unknown said...

The stitchery is cute. Enjoy your workshop with Lynette.

Anonymous said...

May Britt, I am so glad that your enjoy some our Aussie Craft magazines. The fiddle looks fantastic, and how special that your grandfather made it!! Homespun is a great magazine. Do you get many Norwegian craft magazines. It is so good that you have English as a second language. I only speak English, but I did learn a heap of French when I was at school in the 1960's.

Lynette Anderson said...

Looking forward to meeting you too. See you next week...not long now and my suitcase is very full!

Carla said...

Beautiful. Love the picture of the kitty. It's so nice to meet with friends.

M and M plus 3 said...

Frida looks like my Twilight. Your new project is looking good. I need to get my stitchery out to start back working on it. And lucky you to meet Lynette. I love her work.

BTW, your orchids are gorgeous!

Teresa said...

How wonderful to have a violin your grandfather made. I sure wish we could get the Homespun magazine in the states. Sometimes I can find them at Books-a-Million, I will have to go and check and see if they have this issue.

Wendyb said...

May Britt, I love your saying for this post!!
Your grandfather must have been a very talented craftsman.....he's passed his crafting talents on to you too !!! Love your stitchery.
XX Wendy B 'o)

Merete said...

Kjempekoselig,skjønner godt at du falt for friselsen:-)

Meggie said...

Your orchids are beautiful! Frida also, of course!
How wonderful that you have that beautiful fiddle that your Grandfather made- a treasure indeed!. Enjoy your trip.xx

Muffin said...

Har vært på besøk her i dag, så trivelig blogg med masse fine arbeider og ikke minst god underholdning. Takk for titten, kommer nok tilbake snart!

Christine said...

You will love Lynette ... she is lovely. I have earmarked that project too ... but must NOT start another project just yet.

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