It is so fun working with selvages and I will do it more. Just have to collect more of those cute special selvages, those with a lot of writing on. But they are difficult to find :) And I have to be sure that every fabric I buy have a selvage with writing on, but it is so easy to forget when you are in the quiltshop with all those wonderful fabrics you want to buy LOL
Saying for today:
Fill your paper with
the breathings of your heart.
~William Wordsworth
Fill your paper with
the breathings of your heart.
~William Wordsworth
Brava, congratulations for these two wonderful flowers.
ciao ciao
I love your selvege quilts! Very, very cute!
Så nydeleg! Trur du berre kan hinte på bloggen din, så strøymer stripene på! Eg har til gode å ta vare på desse, men ser at det kan bli mykje morosamt ut av dei (kva heiter dei på norsk no igjen...)
Det ser veldig morsomt ut, men jeg rekker ikke å holde styr på disse, så jeg skal sende de jeg har din vei når jeg kommer over noen;o) Hvor brede må de være?
De to blomster quiltene dine er jo bare kjempesøte da!
Ha en fortsatt fin uke :-)
I came here from there, and had to come and say how wonderful your two quilts are! They're gorgeous! :)
Your selvage quilts are beautiful. I love them! I have been collecting my selvages but don't have any to do anything yet. Your placement of the selvages were perfect.
Clever Chick, May Britt!
Hugs - Lurline♥
Thank you for that tip May...never saw that before...and i never "saved" the salvages from my fabric before too...it might work with my strips i have left over from my log cabinquilt...gonne try it...and your bag is coming beautifully...lovely fabric..can`t wait to see it finished...
greetings from the Netherlands....Francien.
It's just gorgeous, isn't it? I never even thought of saving those things... awesome!
De ble jo bare så herlige - små veggsmykker.
What a cute picture - and I just love your quotes! Have fun with those selvedges!
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