This weekend I have been away on a little vitamin Q trip. This is the 10th year this quilting group are having a quilt weekend at the cabin. Sorry no photos this time. Having a wonderful weekend I forgot to take photos. But you can imagine six ladies, sewingmachines, red wine, tasty food, a lot of projects and just a lot of laughter.
When I came home and looked in my mailbox I really got a big surprise. A wonderful mailboxsurprise from
Elin. She have visited USA and she had thought of me when she visited some quiltshops.

Look what she gave me. A Moda scrap bag and some fabric to sew stitchery on. I am so happy. Thank you so very much. I really apriciate it :)

I am doing my happy dancing now :) This weekend I finished Butterfly Garden. I brought it to the cabin and sewed down the binding . And today I hung it up in one of my bedrooms. I do not have so many big walls to hung such big quilts, so this is the only place for it.
Even thoug I have had so many "hate-moments" with this quilt, I really love it. But I have learned my lesson. No more BOM's from quiltshops that do not deliver at time, nor deliver all fabrics that are supposed to be in the package. I have my favorite quiltshops (both here in Norway and abroad) who I know deliver on time :) And I will buy from them.

I also finished the top on my Autumn Houses this weekend. Because of my bad left shoulder I have to take it very easy at the moment. Not to overdo my sewing. So I just relaxed with some applique this weekend. Now this quilt is ready for basting and quilting. This was going to be my focus project this summer, and even thoug Butterfly garden overtook the focus for a while, I manage to finish this top. Look forward to have it quilted on my wall.
Take care and have a cosy sewing evening.