(but this is an awful photo)
I am doing my happy dancing right now,
well a sort of........
my left shoulder is not good
and my back is hurting so I can't stand upright.
Seeing my physiotherapist again on tuesday.
But I am feeling so good :)
Do I deserve a new project now?????
Saying for today:
Success is not final,
failure is not fatal:
it is the courage
to continue that counts.
Wow! Well done!
greetings from Holland,
Nydelig teppe og selvfølgelig fortjener du et nytt prosjekt. Så selv et nytt lekkert teppe på bloggen til Kathrinesquiltestue. Helt nydelig. Må vel innrømme at jeg har sendt en mail dit.
You did it!!! :o)
Flott gjort - sammen er vi jammen flinke ;-)
Gratulerer med ferdig quilttopp!Herlig følelse. Nå er det bare å starte på et nytt prosjekt.... ;o)
Gratulerer! Så flott, og så flink du har vært !!! Du forthener heeeelt klart å begynne på ett nytt prosjekt - og jeg gleder meg til å se hva det blir :o)
Hils Frida !
Very beautiful
Gorgeous! And I am so impressed that you've just stayed with it and finished.
Hi Mary... What a wonderful feeling to get a project done... You did a stupendious job... Pat yourself on the back for a job well done.. I just live this quilt... Congrat's on completing the Butterfly Quilt.... :)
Congratulations this is very beautiful :)
Lindo,Lindo o seu Buttefly Garden top.
Tambem acho maravilhosos os seus "dizendo hoje" muitas vezes copios para oferecer às minhas amigas,
Felizarda Gil
Teppet er lekkert - og jeg kjenner til følelsen med å komme så langt med et prosjekt. Dette er det også veldig mye arbeide på. Du får ha god bedring med deg også :-)
kor flinke du er ;)
min er meget stykkevis og delt ;(
smil fra monika
Wow.....fantastic! Don't worry about the quality of the photo if the quilt is finished! Well done....and good luck with the aches and pains!
Gratulerer! Helt klart at du fortjener et nytt prosjekt nå! Gi meg en ukes tid så er min også ferdig...tror jeg.
good on you! It's lovely.
hope the shoulder and back are feeling better...
and yes! you can start a new project..
cheers Julz
Well done!! A great achievement.
Of course you deserve a new project now
Oh well done - I have enjoyed watching you work on this . Lovely quilt xx
Possibly bad photo but certainly a beautiful quilt! It looks like a lot of work went into it but well worth it when you get such impressive results.
Jeg er imponert, kjempeflink har du vært. Og helt klart du fortjener et nytt prosjekt, hva frister nå?
Hurra! Well done! It looks very pretty, you must be very pleased.
After you'll recover, what next?
Yeah!! You did it and its beautiful!
WooHoo! Looks fabulous! You definitely deserve a new project. What will you be tackling next?
Absolutely beautiful and you do deserve a new project!!! Take care of you and celebrate!!!
Way to go May Britt.....it looks fantastic....and yes you do deserve a new project...
Congratulations! It looks great. You certainly deserve a new project!!
Of course you can start a new project! Butterfly Garden is beautiful!
What a lovely quilt top. I am very excited about your finish :)
Angie @ www.craftedAngles.com
Love it!!
You definitely deserve a new project now!
Congratulations on the finish!!!! :)
I hope the physiotherapist has you back to good health quickly!
Fabulous May Britt! Your quilt top is so lovely. I hope your physiotherapist is able to ease your pains.
Gratulerer med ferdig topp til nydelig teppe. Du fortjener heilt klart eit nytt prosjekt. Helsing Jofrid
Congratulations May Britt, it looks amazing. You did so much more than one a week - I wonder what that new start will be - you really do deserve one!! Your stitching has been so inspiring to me, got me going on my own BG!
Congratulations on finishing!!! The quilt is beautiful!!! Can`t wait to see what your next project will be. Hope you feel better soon :)
Congrats. I can't wait to see the top "In real life"
Hope you get bether soon.
Hugs ;-)
Oh, well done, you!!! Congratulations on finishing the top! It looks absolutely fabulous!!
Do you deserve to start a new project? Hmmm... Yup, most definitely!
Have a wonderful and creative week, and take care of that shoulder!
Så flink du har vært! Nå fortjener du et nytt prosjekt ja.
Congrats. Simply beautiful!!!
Regards from Spain
Gratulerer - ein nydeleg quilt!
God betring :o)
oh how fantastic.......super effort and to think this was hiding in a spot looking like it was never going to be finished..............
Congratulations on finishing your Quilt...You should be Happy it is just Gorgeous..
You sure do deserve a new project now. Well done...looks gorgeous :)
Kjempeflott. Gratulerer, det der står det respekt av synes nå jeg. Nydelige farger også.
Hurra,May-Britt! Så kjempefint det ser ut. Du har virkelig vært dyktig :))
As always - beautiful work! You certainly deserve a new project. I hope you are feeling better soon.
Wov, so soon! And it's pretty! I'm happy dancing with you too - I have still three blocks and two miniblocks undone. But it WILL be finished before next summer;)
GRATTIS... :o)) Superfin blev den också..:o))
Men du var rädd om dig.. du och jag skulle se fina ut.. jag stel som en pinne i ryggen och du böjd och krokig...;o)))
Heldige deg som er ferdig! du fortjener helt klart minst ett nytt prosjekt, kanskje to:-)). Og fortsatt god bedring. Skal du til birmingham i år?
Så flott det ble :)
God bedring med ryggen.
klem hk
I'd say that is definitely something to celebrate. I love it!
Congratulations, May! It's gorgeous! What wonderful project will you choose next?
Wondeful ... I've enjoyed seeing your renewed interest in finishing this top .... bravo! It is amazing what a challenge between friends will accomplish!
I think a finish like that deserves two new projects.
The photo is awful, but the quilt is beautiful.
I can't wait to see it quilted.
FANTASTIC - looks wonderful - well done to you... I'm still stitching mine - up to block 8... How are you going to quilt it?? I'm so undecided on what to do for that! Hugs Jx
Dette var godt jobba. Beundrer alle som har klart å få sin ferdig. Jeg har alle liggende, men har ikke startet noe søm. Får bare dårlig samvittighet når jeg tenker på den.
Men du fortjener absolutt et nytt prosjekt. Det syns jeg. :-)
Oh Wow! it looks so beautiful!! Isn't it a great feeling to finish it! I hope that you are so happy with the result in the end! Best wishes and klem from me! Leanne xxx
Well done...bad photo aside it looks great...
Hey May Britt! OH!!! How wonderful your butterflies look in their finished garden! :0) Well done! I bet you're feeling very proud of yourself and you certainly deserve to start your new lovely red project! :0) Can't wait to see it as it grows. Happy stitching - Bear Hugs! KRIS
Yay!! Well done - what a beautiful quilt!! \o/
Yes, you DO deserve a new quilt project! :-)
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