After a very exhausting week at work I felt so tired and just wanted to sleep all day long. And I almost did yesterday. So not in the mood for entering my sewingroom. I just relaxed in my chair with a quilt and a cat on my lap, just watching tv and stitching.........and NOT sleeping. Have you ever been so tired that you cannot sleep. I wish I could just do like the cats, curl up in the sofa and just sleeeeeeeeeeeep.

But after a long good sleep tonight I was so in mood for being in my sewing room.

I installed myself with projects, my computer watching old movies and some pepsi max. And of course Frida cat and Rusken joined me in there. We spendt several hours there today and it was so fun being back on sewing again.

I have made 3 rug mugs today, but can't show them to you yet. I am entering them in
Madame Samm's mug rug contest. I will sew down the binding this evening and then post the photos to Madame Samm who will put them on her
flicker album. Hope you later will go there and vote for the one you fancy the most. The entering ends at feb 4th and the judging can begin.
Rusken was asking me why I make so small mug rugs........they are tooooooooo small to sleep well on. So I have to make him his special quilt.

This week I have done some stitchery. To tired to do anything else, stitchery in front of the tv was a good thing. I have finished two LIB blocks, stitching on the third, and I have prepared 8 more blocks. I like to have blocks ready to just grab "on the go".

A little bit more stitched on my Angel among us quilt, but I did not manage to finish the blocks as I had planned on my focus list.

Nothing done on my Rustic Christmas heart table runner.

But I did some quilting on my Leannes House. One side done, three to go. This is nice work to do watching tv. And I am eager to finish this. I have told myself this quilt is going up on my wall instead of the christmas quilt that is hanging there, so I better hurry up getting it finished.

I did finish quilting and applique on this table runner. Just sewing down the binding left. Seems like I have a lot of bindings to sew down now. Boooooooooring :)
I will have the same focus on projects this week as the previous one. And I hope I will not be so tired after work the coming week. It takes time coming back to daily routines after a long Christmas vacation.
Saying for today:
In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods;
they have not forgotten this. ~Terry Pratchett