First day of the week and I have already got sidetracked from my focus list. Why.....

Because this arrived in the mailbox today. First package of the new BOM from
It is so delicious wrapped. Fabrics that will be interesting to work with. Perhaps not the fabrics I would have chosen, but I love them. And I know the BOM's from Lappemakeriet always looks wonderful. Look forward to start sewing on this BOM.

And it looks like Frida cat have approved this BOM. She have had a close look at it :)
Saying for today:
People that hate cats
will come back as mice
in their next life. ~Faith Resnick
Heldig er du som har fått en så flott pakke i posten :o) Denne har jeg ikke meldt meg på, må bli ferdig med noen andre prosjekter fø, jeg har jo lyst på denne også
Kos dere med flott prosjekt.
Oh, I can see how you got sidetracked, this looks like a beautiful quilt. Frida loves it too, I think!
Spennende farger som kom til deg da :)Gleder meg til å se fortsettelsen. Ha ei flott syuke :)
I look forward to following your new BOM:)
I agree with Frieda, the sidetrack reason is a must-do...
this will be wonderful
It looks great -- I got my first parcell to day altso.. Yummy.. I have to start soon.. :-))
Looks like a great BOM. I love your saying at the end of your post. As a cat owner, I completely agree with it!
What a wonderful way to get sidetracked. Are you going to make it with the chosen fabrics or switch it up a little?
Love getting packages like that in the mail box. Frida has wonderful taste. Love your saying too - so very true - how can anyone not love a cat. Hugs Jx
Ser du har valgt den med de mer "glade" fargene. Jeg var veldig i tvil med hva jeg skulle velge, men i dag kom den med bruntoner i postkassa mi. Men pytt, det er som du sier, den blir fin uansett.Dette blir spennende... ;o))
Hey May Britt! Getting sidetracked is half the fun of stitching! :0) Can't wait to see what your sidetrip produces! :0) Good thing Frida Cat is there to help you! Bear Hugs! KRIS
New projects are always fun! Freda looks like she could be Stella's sister! lol They look so much alike! Thanks for sharing! Cheers!
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