Thursday, July 30, 2015

Phebe top is finished !!!!


I think I really deserves a glass of red wine right now . Today I finished the top of my Phebe quilt !!


Today I could turn the page in this book over to the last page.

I started this quilt late september last year after have seen it on Quiltefestivalens quilt exhibition.    First time I got to see this quilt was in Shipshewana november 2013 and it was Edith who had made it.  I could not get this quilt out of my head, but I had no idea of making this BIG quilt with SO much work.  But when I saw this quilt again at the Quiltfestival here in Norway september last year, I knew I had to start sewing it.  I have had so much fun in the progress.  You all know I love to do needleturn applique and this quilt has a lot of it.


Thanks to the rainy summer I have spendt a lot of time in the sewingroom. And one of my goals this summer vacation was to finish this top.


I have experienced that a quilt this size weights a lot.  It was heavy and hard to handle some times.  And I wished I had a bigger ironing board.


There has been A LOT of pinning the last days.  And sewing with lots of pins in the quilts hurts.  My arms and my tummy has got a lot of stings.


Getting so into the sewing that you don’t notice that you runs out of thread in the bobbin is not so fun. Manage to sew almost two yards without noticing it.  So just pin it all over again, fill the bobbin and sew the seam again.


It was a emotionell moment when I sewed the last inches.


I have had no problems with the seams in this quilt.  I know where my 1/4 inch seam allowance on my Janome is.  And I sewed the sawtooth border as foundation paper piecing and did not remove the paper until the next border was sewed on.  Think that helped a lot getting the exact measurements for the borders.


As you all know I love doing needle turn applique.  And this quilt has a lot.


One thing I have to learn………check the quilt size ……..and understand how big 87x87 inches really are LOL   But now  when I can see this quilt covering the bed I am SO HAPPY I have made it.  Now I have to figure out how to quilt it.  Do I quilt it myself or do I send it away.  Have no idea yet.  Just want to enjoy the look of it for a while now and just relax with another SMALL project.

Saying for today:



Sylvia said...

Wow. Your Phoebe quilt is amazing! Well done.

Unknown said...

De toute beauté May votre travail est magnifique (beautiful
your work is beautiful)

helen said...

Beautiful!! Congratulations!!
And enjoy looking at it, it surely is a great feeling having finished it! :)
Best wishes!

Julimond said...

Wonderful, congratulations. A great step is done. Now quilting is going on.

Great Job

Iris from Germany

Chookyblue...... said...

you definitely deserve a glass of wine.........she looks gorgeous on the bed so completely worth the effort involved..........

Lise said...

Gratulerer! Jeg beundrer virkelig arbeidet ditt!

Radka said...

Glass of wine? I think a whole bottle! LOL! It is BEAUTIFUL!

Christine B said...

Well worth all that hard work... what a stunning quilt! Enjoy that well deserved glass of wine! :) x

Lesley said...

I sighed when I saw your FINISHED Phebe it is stunning mine has the last border still to go and has certainly been a work in progress over a number of years. Well done
a beautiful quilt to be treasured forever. Lesley

Katie said...

Just fabulous! Congratulations. :-)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

beautiful! it is on my list of quilts to make one day

Heather said...

Just wonderful. I have the fabrics selected and a few stars made but am somehow unable to jump in. Thanks for the inspiration, perhaps This will be my next project. I look forward to seeing how you quilt it.

Michele T said...

Wow! Your quilt is something else!!! It must be amazing in real like😍

Grethe said...

Vakker quilt, May Britt! Flott Ä se alle detaljene her pÄmbloggrn din; du dyktige quilter :-) kos deg med ett glass eller to, minst :-)

LuAnn said...

It's a beautiful work of art. Congratulations!

Supergoof said...

Hey *H*A*P*P*Y* *Y*O*U*, it's GORGEOUS!

Yvonne W said...

Congratulations. That looks stunning.

margaret said...

what a wonderful quilt you have made, bit worried about that glass of wine hopefully you drank it and not a drop went on the quilt. It will be a big job to quilt it, never done one that size but very rewarding if you do it yourself rather than sending it out to be done. Is the machine a quilting one with a bigger gap than the origonal ones if so that will make it a bit easier

Inger said...

Imponerende vakkert. Jeg mÄ bare beundre tÄlmodigheten din i forhold til dette. Tror aldri jeg hadde kommet i mÄl. Og vinen er vel fortjent.

Cattinka said...

oh wow, that is a beauty!

Cheryl (aka Kayly) said...

Congratulations !!!!!! You have done a fantastic job. Quilt it yourself. Your quilting is beautiful and then you can you did it ALL yourself.
Well done.

Marienne said...


Liven said...

Imponerende ☺du har virkelig tĂ„lmodighet. NĂ„r du samtidig er sĂ„ nĂžyaktig og har mye sykunnskap ender dette opp som et virkelig kunstverk. Artig Ă„ se nĂŠrbilder, men det mest imponerende er Ă„ se det liggende pĂ„ dobbelsenga. Lykke til med valg av quilting 😉

Marisa said...

Enhorabuena por ese precioso trabajo, felicidades!!!.

Susan said...

It's gorgeous......huge......but very beautiful. Well done.

CecileD said...

Congratulations for your wonderful work !! Your quilt is just gorgeous !
Bravo May Britt !

Satu said...

Fabulous quilt and beautiful colors, I love it!!! You have had a lot to do, but I'm pretty sure your work is worth all the effort.

Marie said...

Oh, I have loved this quilt for a long time now and seeing yours had just renewed that friendship. Your colours are beautiful, and every last one of those pins was worth it. It's a beauty.

Frog Quilter said...

Your quilt is beautiful. A master piece to cherish.

Ingrid said...

Amazing work this quilt😄

Gypsy Quilter said...

Wooo hooo, what an achievement! You win an extra 3,728 points for this one. Congratulations.

Susan In Texas said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment - and to get it done so quickly. I am really impressed. Are you going to quilt it yourself?

Count me impressed!
Susan in Texas

Lupe Z Lluch said...

Ohhhh....Felicidades!!! Dios Mio! Es una preciosidad!...
Estas hecha una artista!
Acabo de venir de hacer un Crucero por tu pais...Stavanger,Bergen,Skjolden,Hellesylt,Geiranger,Alesund,Trondheim...
una maravilla.Que pais mas bonito tienes...I love Norwey!

Muchos Besos
Lupe desde España

Ondrea said...

Dear dear Brit, that quilt is absolutely stunning! It is a credit to you having taken on such a big project and completed it in less than a year. You put me to shame. You are an amazing patchworker with such beautiful appliques and stitching. WOW!

Quilter Kathy said...

Congratulations! That is an amazing accomplishment and a truly spectacular quilt!

Carole said...

Wow! It's beautiful!

StarQuilt said...

Dette ble kjempefint. Jeg kan godt lÄne det av og til, he he.

poppiquilt said...


Teresa said...

Gosh, that's pretty. All the hours of hard tedious work sure pays off in a beautiful quilt.

momto1 said...

Beautiful! You should be so proud!

Carole S.

Lynda said...

Such a magnificent quilt. I have very much enjoyed watching it come together.

ЛёĐșĐ° said...

Very nice. Great work. Congratulations. What is the name and who is the author of design ?. I want to make this too

Sil said...

Your quilt is amazing! Enjoy it!!!

Shelina said...

Congratulations! This quilt is so beautiful - well worth the effort. I think champagne is in order!

corinne31 said...

wonderful! what a HUGE work!!! Congratulations!

Mitt lille rosa syrom said...

Gratulerer sÄ mye, den er nydelig!

Silvia LGD (Little Green Doll) said...

Wow! Congratulations!! What a wonderful quilt! Love it!

TLC said...

Phoebe is a phenomenal beauty! Congratulations!!

Ronda said...

so beautiful!!!

Hanne said...

Et fantastisk stykke arbeid - en vakker quilt som du kan vĂŠre svĂŠrt stolt av :-)

Charlotte said...

Beautiful - you can be proud of your accomplishment.


Unknown said...

your quilt is stunning, looks beautiful on your bed

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