My neck is not feeling good, so I probably got a little wiplash. The other driver did not see me coming. I can't really understand that, but he just turned left and started to cross the road right in front of me. Both airbags was realeased, so the crash was quite tough. And I can still hear the sound of the crash in my ears. Not a good sound. I have always considered myself as a safe driver, but I always say; I'm not alone on the road.
So now I will relax in front of the tv with some sewing. Think I nead to get my thoughts on to other things now. I am so happy everything went ok. The car is insured, and it is just a material thing.
I'm sure glad you and your passenger didn't have serious injury. Pay attention to your body, and if you don't feel better see about yourself before any insurance settlements.
I'm so glad that you are okay. Like you said, the car is just a car. Take care of yourself.
I'm so sorry about your accident. I'm thankful you're not hurt. I'm even inspired by your good attitude. We need to have that thought about more things in life.
I'm very sorry to hear about your accident. I wish you the best for a speedy recovery.
Thank goodness no one was hurt! When my kids would say "you don't trust me!" when I told them to drive carefully, I'd reply, "I trust you completely. I just don't trust the other drivers out there." It sure doesn't take much to deploy the airbags, but once that happens the insurance company always seems to total the car. At least that's the way it is over here, because it's just too costly to fix them.
Big huge ((HUGS)) to you May Brit, thanking God you are ok! xoxo melzie
So sorry this happened to you. Remember it was not your fault at all. Have a warm bath if you can, and a good night's sleep.
O May Britt, do take care of yourself! Make sure your neck is ok. I got hit like that in a car we had only just purchased. My daughter who was 8 months pregnant was with me, & I was only concerned she was ok. Luckily everyone was ok, but it gives you a nasty shock.
Be well!
Sorry to hear about your accident. Hopefully there is no whiplash but I hear that it is not apparent immediately so be careful fro the next few days.
Åhhhh kjære deg May-Britt jammen godt at dette gikk verre. Men pass godt på nakken din. Har du vært hos lege? Det bør du. Stor klem fra Sigrun:-))
I'm so sorry about your accident, May Britt!! But sooo glad both of you are okay! I bet you do feel like you've been beat up. :) Glad your car is insured. Just take it easy for a few days! :P Hugs, Angie
Oh, May Britt, that's terrible! I'm so glad you weren't hurt. It's so scary when you hear that awful crashing sound...really rattles your nerves, I know. You really need to take a few days to take care of yourself and rest up from that ordeal!
I am so glad you are okay. Take care of your whiplash!!!
You take care May.I am glad you are both OK. That stuff is so scary.
Oh May, how horribly awful! I've had whiplash, and it is definitely not a good thing to have. I hope you went to the doctor and had your injury looked at. I prescribe heat and lots of massages.
May Britt, I am so sorry to hear you had an accident. Thank goodness for the most part you are ok. Darn those drivers! Take care.
I'm so sorry about your accident, but very glad you are OK. Take good care of yourself!!
So glad to hear that you were not injured -- a good night's rest should be very helpful. You have a great attitude -- sometimes it's difficult to remember that cars are just 'things' but they can be replaced and the health and safety of the humans is what's important.
I'm so thankful you weren't hurt. Take it easy and get some rest.
I'm glad no one was hurt. Now you just need to rest.
Ohhh thank heavens you're both not seriously injured. Have some time to yourself and rest up.
May, I'm so happy you are okay and that nobody else was hurt either. The car can always be replaced, but not you. Take good care of yourself.
I am so sorry this happened to you. Take care that your neck is not injured. Thank heavens you are all probably OK.
Thank goodness you and your passenger were not seriously injured. You're right a car is just a material thing; your lives are much more important. Take good care of yourself!
So sorry to hear about your accident. Thank goodness everyone is ok! Yes, things happen so quickly and we really have to drive defensively. Just relax...
Thankfully only the car got hurt. Perhaps a couple of days off might be good.
God bedring!
I am glad you have no broken bones May Britt - BUT, I think you should see a Dr. for your neck. Anti-inflammatory medicine can be needed and it can prevent many problems in the future. A car can be replaced, but not you.
Soft healing hugs from me ((( )))
Oh, my goodness, May Britt I'm so glad you and your passenger are safe ! Anyway, Hanne is right : you should see a doctor - especially for your neck -ave a rest, take care and liten to your body....
Biiiiiig hugs & smiles !
Glad to hear you are ok. As you say the car is insured, but it is the inconvenience of being without it that is the real problem. Take it easy.
That did NOT sound like a good thing! I.m sorry to hear about your accident, but glad you and your passenger is okay! Make sure to feel a bit extra for your neck - whiplash is nothing to joke with! Take care:-)
Sorry to hear about your accident, but I'm glad that you and your passenger are ok. Take some time to rest over the next few days.v
Glad you're OK, please take it easy the next couple of days!
Thank goodness you are okay. That's the important thing. So sorry!
HOw are you feeling today May Britt? melzie
May Britt
Jeg har en gang blitt påkjørt bakfra og har ingen plage
Bulken i bilen var liten og jeg merket ikke noe i hodet første dagen. Etter 4-5 dager følte jeg meg ukonsentrert og ble sykemeldt i nesten 1/2 år. I begynnelsen klarte jeg ikke å sortere t lydene så snakket noen til meg hørte jeg like mye på billyder etc. Ble helt bra, men mitt poeng er Sørg for å sykemelde deg snarest mulig hvis du føler deg "litt rar i toppen"
I'm glad to hear no one was hurt! Car's can be replaced. Pay attention to what you're body is telling you and take it easy for a few days. (((HUGS)))
Hi May Britt, I'm so sorry that you had the accident,
Thank goodness you were not hurt.
Have a nice rest and recover...
I am so sorry to hear about your accident. Make sure your neck is OK before going on. I was hit a couple of years ago and had a bump on my head that the EMT's and the emergency room ignored. It turned out that I had a small area of bleeding on my brain that was effecting my speech. I am fine now, but it was very disconcerting for a while. Make sure you are all checked out because things can be worse than you think with the adrenilin rushing right after the accident.
I'm behind on my reading but glad to hear you and your passenger are OK - take it easy this next week - sometimes it takes a while for all the aches to show up!
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