I have been to the doctor today and she told me to stay home from work the rest of the week. And I think I need that. My neck feels like it is some inches too short. So I will relax the next days and hope I will feel better in some days.
Have been in the phone all day talking to the garage, the insurance company and the police. It looks like my car is going to be condemned. The garage did not think it was worth fixing, but that's up to the insurance company to decide. Luckily I get a rent car tomorrow.
One thing that makes me wondering is that no one stopped to ask if we needed some help after the accident. And I know there was a lot of other cars near by. They must have noticed the crash. I know I would have stopped and offered my help.
A big hug to you all .
Saying for today:
Take time to love the little things.
You are ok and that's fine. But these things are always so irritating and so disturbing of our routine. I hope we can solve this problem the best way. Hugs
Glad to hear you are fine. I know what you mean by no one stopping, I expeirenced the same thing last fall. I was the only one to stop and help at an accident. I love the cubes. I might have to try, even though I don't know if I have the patience for hand stitching.
Sorry to hear about your accident, May Brit and hope that neck situation straightens out for you. Maybe the rest will help the sore muscles. Thank goodness for air bags but don't those fly out so quick that they can make you sore too?
Good tutorial on the cubes. One of our former members handed me a bag of some that she had cut out and never finished up at a meeting last year. I've not tried to assemble them. She had cut seam allowance beyond a freezer template and then hand stitched, I think? One of these days, maybe.
Thanks for the tutorial on the cubes - makes me think I might actually can make them!! Glad you are ok from your accident.
I didn't check blogs for a couple of days and come back to find out about your accident! I'm glad you get to stay home and rest after that, although it isn't very restful to have to deal with all the paperwork of a wreck! I'm certainly glad you are okay. I know you have some wonderful CQ or something to keep your hands busy and your neck resting. =)
I'm glad you went to the Doctor. Sometimes it's worse to just "not know".
I fixed my "no reply" ... I think! Thanks, I had NO idea it was set that way, much less the result of having it set that way!
So sorry to hear about your accident ( I was working the past few days and not online - this working thing is really starting to interfere with my life!) I sure hope you are fine and the pain in your neck is better. It is such a inconvenience as well trying to get all the insurance done and the car fixed or replaced.
Remember to use the time to rest - you'll feel much better much sooner if you do. Hope all the paperwork (insurance, auto repair, etc.) is easily and smoothly completed.
Sorry you had such a lousy day. Glad that you are ok. Cars can be replaced!
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