Friday, March 09, 2007

Work, work, work and no sewing

This has been the most stressing hectic week I ever had at work. Late evenings every day interviewing a lot of new people for a lot of employments. It is fun, but demanding. So this week I have not done a stitch on my sewing, or done any housework. Luckily my DD had cleaned up most of the house when I came home yesterday.
I have tried to read all the blogs between the interviews, but have not had time to comment.
Looking forward to this weekend. Relaxing togehter with my boyfriend, DD and my DS who also is coming home with his girlfriend. And I hope I will be able to do some quilting....... I WANT IT........... I NEED IT.

Saying for today:

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift


Hanne said...

Enjoy your weekend!
Sometimes life interferes with sewing - not nice.... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry your work week has been stressful, how sad, no sewing...... What a blessing, to have a daughter who does housework for you, now your weekend can be one that's relaxing and perhaps you'll be able to have the time to stitch.

Melanie said...

I totally know what you are feeling.... have fun...

CONNIE W said...

May, I know exactly what you're experiencing. I have had a stressful week myself. Last night I took some "time off" for myself to browse through some quilt books looking for the "perfect" applique project. I need something to sew when I'm just resting and not wanting to sit at the machine and I love to hand applique. I haven't had a project going for such a long time and I miss it. It seems that work always wants to absorb all our sewing time! :) Let's revolt!!! ;)

Susan said...

Bless your little heart. Perhaps the weekend with loved ones will recharge you and next week there might even be a moment to sew.

Anne Ida said...

Hope you get a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Take some you-time! Hugs!

Ms. Jan said...

Enjoy your weekend and RELAX!

Libby said...

Enjoy your weekend.

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a great weekend that includes some stitching time. Take a deep breath and enjoy your family!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a look into your quilting world. Do hope you get some time to sew. I know the past two weeks when I have completed the top of a mystery quilt have just been wonderful and we need that type of buzz. A belated thanks for the inspiration to make a couple of little bags late last year. Your instructions were great. Only now as a browser of blogs do I know how to leave a comment hence the belated message. Love your little sayings, always so true and a bright spot in a blog read. Keep up the great blog to inspire us.

Sweet P said...

I hope you have a sewing-filled, stress-free weekend. I love the kitty picture! I bet that's how you felt!

Teodo said...

Thanks for the wishes of relax. Good and relaxed week end to you too. ciao ciao

Darlene said...

I hope that you've had a relaxing week end.

Clare said...

Hope you had a good weekend. It is good to relax with family and friends.

Susan said...

Hope you managed at least a few
CQ stitches!

Jenni said...

I hope you get some sewing done soon.

Elin said...

Så flott side! Kan eg linke deg?

Two said...

Så mykje fint du har laga, blir heilt stum eg! Har ikkje sett over heile bloggen enno, men eg trudde du hadde quilting til jobb, - heilt til siste innlegget. Då vart eg glad, du er slik som oss andre, mykje jobb og lite tid til å gjere det ein helst vil. Nyt helga. Håper det er ok at eg legg inn linken din på mi nye side:).

Granny said...

Hope you've had a wonderful weekend. Sounds like you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

You've been missing way to long now! Come back we miss you and need our fix of those busy hands! Seriously, hope all is well and you get some time to sew soon.Life is too stressful when we don't.

swooze said...

Hope you get your "you" time back soon. Hope you find lots of great candidates too!

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