It has been freezing cold here this christmas. This morning it was minus 23 cold degrees outside. I'm so happy I have my fire burner that keeps the house warm. But this is not the coldest we have had. I remember many years ago we had a new years eve with almost minus 40 Celcius. Brrrrrrrrr THAT is too cold.

It has been so cold that I forgot to get my post before last weekend, so this package from
Sharon had to stay in the mailbox for a couple of days. Sharon and I have been talking about what to have behind our stitcheries, and we have swapped some samples. And look what she sendt me as a christmasgift, a lot of patterns and a charmpack. Love those transfers :)
This gives me a reflection on ALL YOU WONDERFUL BLOGGERS I have met through 2008. And that is the reason why I continue blogging. I have learned to know so many nice and wonderful ladies all over the world. And you all give me inspiration and joy. Thank you :)

I have had almost 14 days off from work this christmas and it feels so good. Spending time with my DS and DD has been the most wonderful. But I am also happy that I have had some time to sew. So these days I have been working on a block in the Joy of Life BOM. I have enjoyed doing the applique on this and have had some great evenings sewing together with my DD. She has started to do cross stitch and have been working on a table cloth.
Did I manage to finish everything I had planned to in 2008.
Oh no !!!! But I guess I am in good company with a lot of others LOL

The adventcalendar is still hanging in my sewingroom without the binding.

I did not finish quilting on my Leannes House.

My new flanell quilt for the sofa is also in need of a binding.

And sorry
Stina. I did not manage to even baste the Angel Story Book quilt before deadline des 31st. I have now agreed with
Hanne about a new deadline July 1st.

And what about these to Leanne B stitcheries. They are finished and I even got the frames for both.

And I know I am going to start on new projects like this one.
Annie Downs new BOM Pockets of Posies. I am going to make this together with
Hanne and we start now in january.
And not to mention all the other projects in my sewingroom. And all the fabrics in my stash. And all the books and patterns and magazines.
But don't you agree: What would we do without all this.
I just love it all.
I have one big new years resolution. I want to finish a lot my Ufo's or what I like to call them WIPS's (Work In Slow Progress) And I want feel bad starting new projects, because that is what makes me (us) happy.