Look at this wonderful hardanger heart my niece have made for me. It is so beautiful made and she also have sewed tiny pink beads on it. Now it's haning in my window together with the beautiful
hardanger angel she gave me two years ago. Thank you Linda :)

I am now cleaning the house for the christmas holidays. My DD surprised me when I came home yesterday. She had cleaned the bathroom all over from floor to roof. I am so happy she helped me with it.

And one of these days we will bake some gingerbread cookies. Have to have that smell in the house to feel it is christmas.
Saying for today:
This time of year means being kind
to everyone we meet,
To share a smile with strangers
we may pass along the street.
--Betty Black ("This Time of Year")

Hey May Britt! WOW! What a GORGEOUS hardanger heart - how lucky are you!! It's one craft I've never been game to try - too time consuming for me and I'm not patient enough!! A friend was making a hardanger table runner with a heart to represent each family member - every time she thought she was on the last heart, her mother would think of another family member who needed to be represented ... and she'd have to add another heart to the list!! We joked that by the time she finished, the table to fit the runner would be big enough to seat several families! Tee! Hee! Hee! Enjoy your cleaning spree - I had mine last week! Bear Hugs! KRIS
merry christmas may!...your blog and works are lovely!
The hardanger heart is so beautiful.
The hardanger heart is very beautiful. Lots of intricate stitching - it must of taken Linda ages to make it.
I love the smell of baking too. I made my christmas cake on Tuesday and the house smelt wonderful.
What a great gift. You are soo luckey.
What beautiful work your niece has done, she's so clever!! I'd love to see the angel too.
I need to start my Christmas cooking too ... I'm running out of time!!!! Yikes!!!
Joy :o)
Love the heart. It's so pretty. A talented niece you have there.
Yummy Gingerbread cookies. I can smell them now.
Great saying for today. Very true.
Exquisite heart. They are really a work of art.
Enjoy your Holiday.
The beads really add a nice touch to the hardanger. I love the look of it, but I've never tried it. Did your niece learn from any books she would recommend?
For et nydelig hjerte du har fått! Det der er det mye arbeid på, jeg har prøvd Hardangersøm, og vet det tar tid...Men moro!
Så koslig at du også joiner småblokk-bloggen. Jeg gleder meg til å følge deg og alle de som legger inn innlegg, og se hva dere pusler med av denne sorten.
Selv har jeg ikke sydd flere siden kurshelga med Hanne, men ser virkelig fram til å begynne så snart det er litt tid til det. I mellomjula tenker jeg...
Jeg har ikke hatt den berømte "rundvasken" til jul, vi har jo ikke bodd her i mer enn litt over et halvt år, så jeg tar den biten til våren;-) Slapp billig unna i år *lol*
Jeg har prøvd å fått baka litt og pynta litt, så nå lukter det jul i huset:o)
Hi May,
I just want to wish you and yours a very happy and safe Christmas, also to tell you I just love your work and your blog, I have NO trouble reading your english thanks again for all your wonderful instructions
hi, I was googleing hardanger heart as i have just learned this type of stitching and i love this heart.
would you niece be willing to share where the pattern is from so i could try it?
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