I have not been able to blog for a while now. Going back 100% to work do not give that much time left for sewing, blogging and other things. I am so tired when I come home. And then there is houswork, paperworks for our quiltmagazine and trying to get some sleep. Have to start new routines.
But on thursday was the april meeting for our local quiltgroup. A lot of women this time, but not so much at show and tell.
But I got a few photos:

This "quilt" is made of old wool sweaters. She felted them by washing the sweaters on hot water, cut out peaces and put them together.

And out of the leftovers she made some bags.

This is a banner one of my friends is making for her granddaughters kindergarten. It has to be ready for may 17th when it's Norways national day.

And me of course with my new bag. I love this bag, and I guess I'll make one winter bag too, in dark colours.

A present where the lady is going to applique photos of the boy who receives the quilt.

Quilts from a workshop we went to some months ago. The difference in these two quilts are the quilting. One is machinequilted and the other is hand quilted. You can feel the difference when you touch them. Handquilting gives the quilt a soft look, and machinquilting the opposite.

A log cabin quilt.

A table runner
And here is Laila (to the left) helping a lady showing what she made out og BOM Out of the darkness. She did not want to make the whole quilt and decided to make pillows and tablerunners of the BOM's. A clever idea to do when you get bored of the BOM's.
And finally Laila and Lisbeth with their new bags made specially for NQF's annual quiltmeeting. We all need new bags going to big quiltmeetings, don't we LOL. Laila has a better photo of her bag here if you want to have a close look.
I've forgotten to show you one present I received at the annual quiltmeeting.
I've seen Wenche making a lot of these pincushions/threadbins on her blog. And when she pulled me aside at the quiltmeeting some weeks ago and said she had something for me I was surprised. And it was this beautiful one for me. I love it. Use it everyday as it is hanging on the table besides my sewing chair in the livingroom. Thank you Wenche :)
I made this toiletpurse some weeks ago, but have forgotten to show you. It's a pattern from Northern quilts. And I love the size of it. Plenty of room in it to bring all my brushes, creams, perfume aso.
Started to stitch on block two on Leannes Butterfly garden. OMG....there is a lot of stitching on this block.
And I've found the macro on my camera. So now I can do good close up photos :) Perhaps I ought to have read the manual on the camera several years ago LOL
Now I'm off to give a workshop in sewing hexagons on the sewingmachine. Only three ladies, but I guess we'll have a great day at the shop.
Saying for today:
A friend is someone you can trade
secrets with and never worry