This weekend I have had
Hanne on visit. She had a workshop in our local quiltshop and here you can see the busy women in action. So concentrated all of them LOL
Hanne is teaching us to make the toilet bag I showed you in a earlier post. And she is a great teacher.
A lot of rotarycutting and pins
And a lot of sewing.
Me deeply concentrated in sewing the zipper on to the toilet bag.
And below is some of the toiletbags that was made this weekend

They are all so beautiful.

The workshop was Yeasterday and today Hanne and I have just relaxed sewing and chatting. That means she was relaxing with a new block for her Angel Storybook quilt, and I had to finish my two toiletbags that was started yesterday at the workshop.

Frida the Quiltinspector watching what I am doing. She is testing if the toiletbag is soft enough to sleep on.

And this is my two finished toiletbags. The front...........

and the back. Think both is going to be christmasgifts for someone. They were fun to sew and I guess there will be made more of these before christmas.

And look.....Hanne gave me this birthdaygift. A baking cloth (that I have to sew myself) to cover the dough when it is waiting to go in the oven. Thank you Hanne, I love it.
Saying for today:
A friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg...
Even though you're slightly cracked

Ja, ser ut som dere har hatt det kjempefint på Lille Stasjon i helga. Masse fint dere har laget. Ha en fin uke.
I love the bag pattern.... where can I find it?
Må prøve å lokke dama over Langfjella ein gong til, dette burde vi lære her hos oss også!
Those bags are gorgeous, what a great pattern!!!
Love your quilt inspector :o).
Ser ut som om dere har kosa dere skikkelig. Flotte mapper du har sydd.
What a lovely weekend you've had! Your toilet bags have turned out beautifully, no doubt due to the quality control of Frida - cute!
Hey May Britt! Looks like you had a great fun and productive weekend. I love the little toiletry bags - is there somewhere I can get the pattern? I especially like the patchwork on the back and the colours you've used are just like I would pick - great minds think alike! Bear Hugs! KRIS (Tag Along Teddies)
Looks like a fun day.
The bags are soooo cute! I really need to try putting a zipper in something...I am afraid of zippers.
Have a great day!
May.....your bags are lovely. Where would I find the pattern? Those would make perfect Christmas presents for my sis and neice. Have a great week. Hugs, Barb
Looks like so much fun. I have the same Janome sewing machine as someone in the picture..the Model 4800! I just love mine!
What a nice weekend!I love your two
toilet bags! And Frida...:)
Fine vesker du og de andre på LS har sydd...har du bursdag? Gratulerer!
Love your toiletry bags May...they are great.
Thanks for a lovely, inspiring weekend :-)
Looks like a fun day and those bags are adorable. The stitching on the front is a beautiful touch. Someone is going to be very lucky at Christmas time.
Your toilet bags are gorgeous! Nice Work!
I love your bags:) they are awesome!! did they pass inspection for being soft enough?
What a wonderful workshop and the bags are so beautiful! Well done!
Hi May Britt - my address is pepperlapoo@yahoo.com. If you can let me know where I can get that lovely toilet bag pattern (in English) can you let me know? Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
Bernie (USA)
Superflotte tasker ! Bageklaedet er en god ide. Kan det koebes online et sted ?
The bags are great and what a perfect fabric for the one with the heart!
Ser ut til at du har hatt ei kjempefin og produktiv helg:-) Toalettveskene dine ble knaillfine! Du må hilse Hanne og be henne ta turen flere ganger til Trondheim, eller lage mønster for salg;-)
Ha ei fortsatt produktiv høst-uke:-)
Ni ser ut att ha haft en trevlig helg och ni har gjort jättefina väskor. Hanne har verkligen gjort ett fint mönster..
Ha en fortsatt bra vecka!
Well arent those cute?? Good job. Looked like a fun class.
If Hanne gave you a birthday gift then
Happy Birthday to You!
You made lovely toiletbags – I like them.
me encanta esta bolasa de tocador ,desearia saber lasa medidas para realizarla estaria encantada de que pudieras enviarmelas un beso grande es todo muy hermoso.soy de ARGENTINA.UN CARIÑO VERONICA
Hi May,
Lovely toiletry bags. Is there a pattern available. They look so nice and roomy.
Lucky for you to have time to share quilting with good friends.
Kind regards from Liz
Her var det utrolig mange flotte toalettmapper, tror vi må snakke med Hanne så vi på Lørenskog også kan få slike:-)
Jeg er ofte innom bloggen din og ser på alt det flotte du lager og lar meg inspirere. Jeg er like spent for hver gang jeg "besøker" bloggen din om du har laget noe nytt! Nice work!
Hi May Britt - my address is rominaco@yahoo.com. If you can let me know where I can get that lovely toilet bag pattern (in English) can you let me know? Thanks so much! I really appreciate it!
Romina, from Argentina
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