Some quilters has been invited by the museum to show some of their projects. And it was a joy to visit the museum and take a good look at them. I refers to the number of the quilt and to the name of the designer and the name of the quilt.

nr 8: Hillevi Lennvall-Rantzen, Sea Holly White Silver
nr 9: Eva Aagesen, Nidaros
nr 10: Maija Välikyla, Treasure

nr 11: Tuula Mäkinen - Kiira's Triple Salchow
nr 12: Marita Lappalainen - Gate

nr 13: Gudny Benediktsdottir - Soon spring comes green again
nr 14: Maija Brummer - Flowers on Paradise Island

nr 15: Anita Swahn - Vulnerability
nr 16: Arja Mattila - Anna Hemp
nr 17: Borghildur Invarsdottir - Loyalty

nr 18: Birgitte Busk - The gift
nr 19: Charlotte Yde - The subversive stitches 3, Please respect our culture, please respect our democracy

nr 20: Sigridur Ingimarsdottir - Power
nr 21: Solvejg Refslund - To be present

nr 22: Ellen Aase - On the Brink of
nr 23: Ulla Söderstedt - Poppy

nr 24: Hanne Aspelin Firman - Is the grass always greener on the other side of the fence?
nr 25: Margreth Säterhall - Coltsfoot
nr 26: Trine Tolfsby Bakke - 1600 square centimeter of joy
The items from nr 1 to 7 was impossible to get good photos of. They were standing in glass cabinets and the light from the camera was reflected in the glass. It was quilted boxes and soooo beautiful to see. One of them was made by Bente Nysæter Malm and you can see it here at
her blog.