Friday, October 30, 2009

October quiltmeeting

Yesterday it was october meeting in our quilt guild.
And this time it was a sewing surprise for everyone.

They got a kit with pattern, fabric, batting aso

And they could choose a button from this huge pile of buttons.

And the ladies was so eager to sew

and never have there been SO quiet at a quilt meeting.

And this is what they made
A lovely needlecase
If you want to see photos from show and tell
please go over to Elverum quiltelags blog

Saying for today:

Mothers are those wonderful people
who can get up in the morning
before the smell of coffee.
(author unknown)


Lurline said...

What a wonderful button collection - I don't have one, so am very envious, lol!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Cattinka said...

The needlecases turned out pretty!

Sandi said...

Looks like everyone was having fun making those needlecases. I do love the 'mountain' of buttons :) I wish I had that many.

Elin said...

Nydeleg konsentrasjon! Godt gjort! Kjekt med sånne småprosjekt som alle tenner på. Korleis få tak i slike dungar med knappar?

LeKaQuilt said...

Så fine de ble! Ser ut for at damene har det virkelig hyggelig :o) Koseligt å bli overrasket med ett lite prosjekt. Nålebrev får vi alldri for mange av.

Sharon said...

This hexi needle case is wonderful. Did you leave the paper in between the hexis?

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