Hmmm.....look there is a world outside the house too

I have this place to sit and watch everything out there,
mom have been so nice and made room for me here,
but she does not like that I try to see whats inside these flowerpots.

What is all that white outside???

I better have a look
if I dare to go out this door

How fun, I can make some pawprints in the snow

and it taste good

it was so cold outside,
I rather lay here and warm myself now
Purr purr purr
from Rusken
Saying for today:
Cats are smarter than dogs.
You can't get eight cats
to pull a sled through snow. ~Jeff Valdez
I agree Rusken - stay by the fire. See you later to dag :-)
Herlige bilder av Rusken :-))
So cute watching them discover the world....
what a gorgeous kitty....hmmmm how long sleek and the color and that gorgeous long tail, great pictures nice way to show what a kitty would do in a day.
Åhhh...så nusselig da. Susi her i huset er også slik....snø er kaldt og da er det bedre å være inne ;) Ønsker deg god bedring. Håper du snart får sydd litt igjen. Ha en fin dag :)
I enjoyed seeing what Rusken is getting up to in a day.
so cute. how are you getting at your no sewing week?
best wishes
ÅÅ for en sjarmerende pus! Han kan kunsten å slappe av!
Ha ei fin uke! klem fra meg
You would have to grow a thicker fur coat to enjoy that white stuff outdoors ;-) Purr from Tullerusk (Rusket)
Too cute! I'd rather be in front of the fire too!!!
What a handsome cat! Loved the post; pictures and captions. Thanks
I can see that you still have snow. I hope we will not get any more of that...
I love this post ....
adoro a ese gato
Oh my gosh! This is my first visit to you wonderful blog. I love cats and I wondered if you could tell me what breed of cat yours is. Absolutely gorgeous! Every single photo made me smile. We have two little dogs, though we believe they are really tiny people dressed in fur. They bring us so much joy, laughter and love that they could possibly be just...well...dogs! LOL Thanks for sharing the photos. Hugs...
Your cats are beautiful and so are your quilts. I have read two wonderful cat books recently, "Dewey" and "Homer's Odyssey". The last one is about a kitten who had an infection in eyes and had to have them removed, but he is the smartest cat and the book is wonderful.
I love cats. I have three. I love your cat he is so cute!!
such a cute post, I love your pusscat photos :) They are so inquisitive and just delightful to watch.... thanks for showing us!
Cheryl x
What a beautiful boy he is! Love all the pictures of him exploring.
Thanks for sharing.
lol how funny! Our cats have NEVER seen snow, I wonder what they would think of it. They find it weird enough when it rains let alone having white stuff fall from the sky! lol
I love the orchid sitting on your windowsill. a Moth orchid? Just beautiful!
Rusken could came to visit me because here it's 37ºC!!!
adorable kitty!
I love that quote, I put it in one of my create journals so I would remember it!
Photos are lovely!
Cute pictures - and I agree, cats are way smarter than dogs!
Hope your neck is feeling better.
Your cat is beautiful...and I believe the longest cat I've ever seen! Very good pictures!
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