Not so much sewing the last days. Woke up in the middle of the night on friday with a terrible pain in my neck. Going to the emergency on saturday evening I was told I have a "slipped disc" in my neck.

So now I just have to relax,
eat pain killers
and wait for the pain to go away.
And just thinking of all I want to do.
Saying for today:
A meow massages the heart.Stuart McMillan
So sorry you are hurting. Hope it gets better real soon.
Happy Valentine's Day
for you and your family
Kisses from Spain
Ouch! Get well wishes to you! Hope you'll be better VERY soon!
Ohhh sounds ghastly, keep up with the painkillers. Jot down all those ideas you get.
Oh....I do hope you are pain free soon...and back to stitching....thinking of you!
Huffda! God bedring May Britt :)
Uff uff, så kjedelig.Det er en kunst å bare sitte der med hendene i fanget...sett deg ned å les en god bok og hold hendene i ro. Ønsker deg ei riktig god bedring..
Get well!!!
Because we need some aby-ness every monday! ;o)
How awful for you and the pain must have been terrible. I am thinking of you so take good care of yourself.
Ouch! I know that pain all too well - I had a pinched nerve in my neck 2 years ago. Rest is probably the best thing right now - and painkillers and ice... that doesn't sound like fun to me.
I am so sorry! I hope you heal quick.
Slapp av og sørg for å bli bra igjen :-)
Sy kan du gjøre en annen gang...
God bedring!
Oh! that's sounds painful! Hope you feel better soon and able to get back to stitching.
Cyn in Canada
Ouch! Get well hugs to you.
And happy Valentine's Day!
from Karen in the US.
Oh dear, isn't it always the way? As soon as we can't do something we want to do it. Take care and do as you're told - rest!
Ouch! I hope you recover quickly.
How painful May Britt....please take care..xx
God bedring,May Britt; håper du snart er i form igjen:-)
God bedring. Håper du har noen bøker og blader du kan bla i mens du venter på bedre tider.
Sorry to hear...Please rest up you will be back to stitching in no time...
Take Care
Hope you get better soon May Britt and get back into your stitching.
Au da......du må finne gode tanker om sol, vår og kanskje en god bok - la deg iallefall ikke irritere over alt du ikke klarer å gjøre:-)
God bedreingsklem!
Horrible and annoying!!!!
Since I am recovering from back surgery right now, I can feel much sympathy for your pain. I hope your disc settles back into place soon.
Oh, that sounds nasty, May Britt! Too much sewing may be? I hope it gets better soon:))
I woke up with a neck/shoulder pain Sunday morning but I think I must have just slept wrong on it. I took an over the counter pain med and later in the day wrestled a queen sized flannel quilt through my machine to put the binding on. I figure if I lived through that, my pain problem wasn't serious. Hope you get to feeling better soon.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery!
All the very best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Oh sorry to hear about your neck. Take care and rest up. I hope it is better soon.
Hey May Britt! Oooooohh!! Not fun to have a sore neck! Even the everyday things are harder when it hurts to move the wrong way. Keep up the pain killers and make your hot pack your friend so you can soon get back to your stitching fun. Hope it's all better soon! Bear Hugs! KRIS
oh, I'm sorry. I hope you get well very soon!
Åh nej... Det där lät inget vidare... Hoppas innerligen att du är lite bättre... Pheeew... Det kommer säkert att ta tid
Skickar en stor krya på dig kram!!!!
sending healing - gentle - hugs from Germany to you May Britt. Hope you feel better soon!
Oh no! I sure hope it gets better soon.
Ooohhh May Britt!!!! What a disaster!! And here I am moaning that because I am cleaning my blessed house, I'm not getting any time to stitch. I could if I really wanted to...but the walls and ceilings wouldn't get done, and the cupboards would still be a mess!! But you, poor girl, you have to rest up!!! My thoughts and prayers are with you for a speedy recovery. Hugs Gloria
So sorry to read this! How in the heck did you slip a disk in your neck? You're such a wild woman! lol Seriously, I hope you get better soon! Hugs!
So sorry to hear you are in so much pain!
Hope you feel better soon.
Sending strong healing vibes your way.
I am so sorry to hear this! I hope it can be cleared up soon. Best wishes and thoughts of hope and healing, Debbie
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