Laila and I have had a sewing together on msn. With reports now and then we have set goals, sewed and chatted on msn. But suddenly it all took a turn talking about UFO's. And we agreed making a list. I went into my sewingroom and started to pull projects out from the drawers and boxes. And that's when I started to get UFO-agony.

You know when you pull out one project after another and the drawer never gets empty. Projects you have not seen for a loooooooong time. Forgotten projects and kits for projects you really wanted to start at once you bought it. My head is now spinning with old and new projects, wanting to focus, finish and forget. While all these UFO's, or I rather call them WISP's (Work In Slow Progress)is laying on my table, I still want so bad to start a new project (several new projects). Hanne, Laila and I have now made lists and we have agreed to push eachother the rest of this year. Hopefully we manage to finish some of these WISP's. And I am so happy I am a part of the OPAM (One Project A Month) . This challenge is great and makes me focus. My goal is to have at least one finished project each month.
Today I have focused on My Garden BOM. Will show you the progress tomorrow.

Yesterday I got two mailbox surprises. Having a not so good day, these two gifts made me smile again. It feels so good knowing I have such great friends.

I guess you have seen
these socks on Hannes blog. Never did I think that they was for me :) So I got so surprised and happy when I opened my mailbox surprise from her and spotted these socks. Thank you so much Hanne.

Monika had made a little cupcake kit for me. Love it, and I will bake some cupcakes from your recipe real soon. Look at the wonderful bag she have made too.
Thank you Hanne and Monika for these lovely mailbox surprises.
Saying for today:
Some people make your laugh a little louder,
your smile a little brighter,
and your life a little better.