Today I have spendt a lot of time in my sewing room. With some old movies on the computer and pepsi max in my glass, I have done a lot today.

My Garden is ready for basting and quilting.
Just have to find some backing.

And then I pulled out my Autumn Houses quilt.
Now I have almost finished quilting it.
Just two sides of the outher border to quilt
and then the binding.
Saying for today:
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones,
you’ll start having positive results.- Willie Nelson-
Well done a good productives days work. I really like 'Your Garden'.
Congratulations - Miche'le
The quilt is just beautiful!!!
I adore your Autumn house too, you are almost ready for a big finish.
Oh, I did so much sewing today too, isn´t that great? A weekend full of sewing?
I like spring and summer, but I LOVE fall and winter, so I fall in love with your autumn quilt. What a nice picture the quilt under your sewing machine. So wonderful bright and cozy autumn colors. Wonderful!!!
Many greetings
Well done, keep up the UFO- hunting LOL :-)
Hugs :-)
May Britt the quilt top looks gorgeous...well did stay focused...
Så fin den ble!!! Takket være deg, fikk jeg bestilt denne jeg også. Gleder meg :o)
Høst-quilten din ser jo nydelig ut også, gleder meg til å se hele :-)
Ha en flott ny og ubrukt uke,
Bra jobbat! De är jättefina båda två.
Que maravilla de trabajo, muy hermoso!!!!
A very productive day. I love the colours in your Autumn House quilt, gorgeous!
Well done. I have mine to that stage too but have stalled on the quilting. You were so quick in getting yours together!
Your Garden Quilt looks lovely and I cant wait to see the Autumn house one finished!
Love the Garden Quilt
Karen in Indiana
Your garden quilt is wonderful!
Wow! You are doing so well with your quilts! They are looking good!!
Nå har du virkelig vært effektiv!!MG-toppen er virkelig fin; liker stoffet som er brukt:-) Gleder meg til å se Høst-quilten ferdig.
Happy Quilting:))
Hi May Britt, you had a productive day. I´m waiting to see your quilts.See you soon... Mari
Hi May... WOW!!! your garden quilt is lovely... You are almost there... Everyone needs a full day in there sewing room... Congrat's. Hugs :)
Gorgeous garden! :o)
I love both of your projects... A tall glass of Pepsi helps me to have more productive days, too!
Skjønner godt den gode følelsen ja. Så deilig å få unna noe som har ligget lenge.
I love your garden quilt. Congratulations.
Autumn colors are my favorites so I am looking forward to your finished quilt.
You always have such interesting sayings on your blog posts. Who would have thought that Willie Nelson would come up with that!
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