In august 2006 I made my first blogpost. Never had I guessed that my first attempt of blogging would give me so many wonderful blogging friends all over the world. So far it has been an amazing journey with you all and I intend to continue my blogging. Thank you all for visiting my blog. And I love visiting yours! You all give me so much inspiration.

I love geting comments from you and I try to answer every one. But lately I have discovered that some of the comments do not reach my mailbox. Because of my comment moderation some comments has to be published in blogspot comments, and those I am not able to reply on. Sorry about that. Have no idea why this happends.

5 years bloggiversary and it is time for a giveaway
Do you remeber the makeup purses I made at the cabin last weekend? One is sold, one is given away to a friend and then I have this one left. One lucky person will win this one. And I think I will put some extra surprises inside it too.
All you have to do is guess how many buttons it is in this jar.
I have no idea myself yet. I just filled it without counting them.
I will draw a winner on sunday evening (14 aug) at 18:00 norwegian time.
The giveaway is now ended and the winner is announced :)
Big hug from me to all of you.
Saying for today:
A blog is merely a tool
that lets you do anything
from changing the world
to share your shoppinglist

Gratulerer med jubilèet! Jeg tror det er 215 knapper i glasset :-)
Happy anniversary, continues to show such beautiful work for many more years. :-)
231 buttons??? Hehehe sure no :)
I'll guess 370 buttons.
I really enjoy your blog and have been a subscriber for a long time. :o) Congrats on 5 years!!
I think it is 438 buttons. Hugs Jofrid
Congratulation for your lovely blog. I'm your follower for some time. In my opinion, there are 223 buttons.
Hi May Britt.....Happy Blogiversary...I love to visit to see what you have been up to...
290.......have fun counting..........congrats on your blog birthday........
Always love reading your inspirational message. I think there is about 288 buttons in the jar
Congrats on the 5 years. I think I have been reading you for nearly that time. I would say 255 buttons.
Congratulations. I think there are 187 buttons. Thanks for the giveaway!
Gratulerar till 5-års bloggande :)
Hoppas att vi får delta med fler år av dina trevlig blogginlägg...
Hur många knappar finns det i burken? Ja, det kanske är 283 st ;-)
Trevlig helg!
Gratulerer! Jeg trror det er 284 knapper i glasset :-)
Congratulations on this day! I like your blog and your work very much and it is always a pleasure to see a new post from you.
I would say there are 128 buttons in the jar...hahaha....who knows!!!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Til lykke med blogfoedselsdagen :-)
Jeg gaetter at der er 183 knapper i glasset
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'll guess 317 buttons. Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
404 buttons is my guess. The jar is cleverly disguised so we have NO SCALE, hahaha.
Thank you for your giveaway, and Happy Blogiversary. I really love your blog.
Gosh, I have no idea how many buttons there could be... what a fun game. Ok, 305 is my guess. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging!
Gratulerer!! Alltid gøy å følge med på hva du syr. Du må nok fortsette bloggingen i minst 5 år til! :-)
Jeg tipper det er 275 knapper i glasset....
Congratulations on 5 busy years - it is such fun to look back and think about all the people and all the projects. My guess is: 200
Thanks for this challenge.
Congratulations on your blog milestone! I'd guess 137 buttons.
WOW that is a hard one...I guess 154 buttons.
Congrats on 5 years!
Congratulations on your blogiversary! I'm going to guess 276 buttons.
Gratulerer med 5-års jubileum.Jeg tror det er 223 knapper i glasset.
Hilsen Wenche
Congratulations on your blog, I love to read it every time...and the buttons...I guess that there are about 375.
Happy blog anniversary May Britt!
My guess is that it is 372 buttons in your jar.
Gratulerer! Du har en inspirerende blogg.
Hvor mange knapper? - ja, jeg tipper 307 stk.
Happy blogiversary! Wow, 5 years! I am guessing 189.
Happy 5. "Bloggerversary". Best wishes and happy quiltig every day
I think 199 buttons.
I will say 187.
Happy anniversary. Wow, that sure is a lot of blogging.
My guess is - 153 buttons
Gratulerer med jubileet:) Jeg tror det er 315 knapper i glasset ;)
5 years??????!!!!!!
I am guessing 287. Congratulations on your time blogging. I love your blog.
5 år og fortsatt så vakker oppføringer i bloggen, gratulerer!
Jeg antar at det er omkring 188 knapper i glass!
Hilsen fra Wilma
Congratulations on your 5 years of blogging! I'm guessing 197 buttons!
Hi May...Happy 5th Anniversay ... May you continue to have many more years of lovely things that you make.. I just love your blog and special sayings on the end of each entery.... I would say that there are 181 buttons... Thanks for the chance to win... Hugs :)
Già 5 anni??? Non hai idea di quante foto di tuoi lavori ho salvato in questi anni come ispirazione... :-)
Ma veniamo al quesito; io dico 138 bottoni. Pochi?
Felice bloganniversario!
I'm guessing 147. Congratulations!
My guess is 155.
Wow! 5 years flies when you're having fun! Cheers to many more years of blissfully blogging
My guess is 276 buttons!!
Hi May,
Please change my 276 to 303, I didn't scroll down far enough to see all the guesses!
Congrats on 5 years. I think maybe 275.
Happy Anniversary!
My guess is 121.
i jus tdied over that sweet littl emake up bag,is there a pattern for it by any chance? Just sweet and adorable! Guessing about 125 bttons in the jar! Love your blog!
Tak for the give-away guess is 164! Love keeping up with your quilting adventures.
178 is my guess and I so enjoy your blog. You are one busy lady and everything you make is lovely.
Congrats on the 5 years!
Beertje Zonn
First of all congratulations on your 5 years of blogging. Such a long time, but I love to read every one of them. Get a lot of inspiration from them.
I think there are 337 buttons in the jar.
Happy blogiversary! :D
I think 225 is my guess, as of how many buttons there are in your jar.
Peder says "Hi" to "auntie".
Ciao May, congratulations for 5 years!
I follow you, from Italy, for a long time and I'll show you my congratulations for your beautiful work!
I'll bet there are 137 buttons!
I guess it is 333 buttons, am I right?
Happy blogging anniversary and I look forward to continuing to read your inspiring blog- which is full of your own stitching and the enjoyable sewing times spent with friends... would there be about 394 buttons? It looks like there are some nice ones in there.....
Congratulations on your fifth blog birthday, I enjoy being inspired by your many many buttons...this is a bit out of left field as everyone else seems to be in the high 100's to 300's but I am going with 537...
299 buttons... now send me the bag! I love your blog!! :o)
Is There 165 buttons in your jar!
I love your blog and visit a lot Great little bag too!
Merci à vous Aby de votre blog c est avec un réel plaisir que je vous rend visite ... j y puise beaucoup d'énergie et vous etes presque "d'utilité publique"
pour les boutons ..... heu je ne sais pas peut etre 293
I love reading your blog posts - you make beautiful quilts and wall-hangings. I really love looking at your redwork projects! Hearing about your cats is fun; and being able to share sad things together make them a little easier to deal with.
I'd like to guess that there are 192 buttons in the jar.
Gratulerer med jubileet. Jeg tipper 372 knapper.
Grattis med 5 årsbloggjubileum :)Jeg vil gjerne være med i gjettinga, og tipper det er 193 knapper i glasset. Ha ei god helg :)
Happy 5-year anniversary!!! My guess is 520 buttons.
I'm guessing 256 buttons....Happy blogversary :) Barb.
255 buttons I enjoy reading your blog in Australia.Quilting is a great relaxing pastime when it is going right Judy
Oh I would love to have one of your makeup bags! My guess is 195. Happy Anniversary!
Congratulations on 5 years of blogging, May Britt. I'm proud to say that I've known you since the very beginning. :-)
I believe there are 143 buttons in the jar. :-)
Congratulations on Five years.....
I think 999 buttons..
Grattis till 5-årsdagen! Gissar på 402 stycken.
Congratulations on your 5th anniversary! I do so enjoy reading your blog.
My guess is 580! LOL
Cris in Western WA in USA
Congratulations of five years....
I say 500 buttons
Gratulerer så mye med 5-års dagen! Jeg tipper 197 knapper :-)
Happy Anniversary May Britt....have I really been reading your posts for 5 years...WOW. I have so enjoyed every post and to read of your adventures. Your work is lovely and so inspiring. You are a treasured friend.
Hugs, Barb
Congratulations for your blog anniversary! I visit you since of first OPAM. I think there are 650 buttons.
Har aldri vært noe flink til å gitte ,men dette er kun for morro skyld... ikke sant !? Jeg tipper det er 172 knapper i glasset
I think there are 211. I enjoy reading your blog. Congratulations on your 5 year blog-aversary!
MAybe 398 buttons. Congratulations.
Gratulerer med 5-års jubileet!Eg tippar at det er 245 knappar i glaset. Helsing
What fun!
I'm going to guess 325
Gratulerer med 5-års jubileum :-)
Tipper at det er 359 knapper i glasset. Blir gøy og se resultatet.
Gratulere med 5 års dagen :-). Jeg tipper 205 knapper :-).
Tror det er 284 knapper i glasset.:-) Gratulere med jubileet.:-)
Anne Lise
I would guess 317. No particular reason, just like the number!
Hi May Britt. Congratulations on 5 years of blogging. Yours was one of the first blogs I discovered and I still enjoy reading it. My guess is 447 buttons.
I guess 81. congratulations on 5 year
I have no idea but my guesstament is 98 buttons thanks for the chance and Happy Anniversary you are an amazing blogger and sewer ttfn Nicole
Gratulerer med jubileum. Jeg tror det er 212 knapper i glasset. Blir spennende å høre hvor mange det er.
Hola, mi elección es de 252 botones ojala me tocará. Feliz aniversario de tu blog.
Congrats on your anniversary! My guess would be 102 buttons.
Happy anniversary May....Looks like alot of small buttons are in-between the big ones! I an guessing 134----:) Thanks for the chance!
Lots of great guesses. I am not sure how many are in there. I am guessing 507. I am sure there is more than that. 5 years!! How cool!!
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