Sunday, September 30, 2012

Birthday weekend

It has been a really nice weekend.  Having my birthday today so I have had some visitors this weekend.  My DD came home and look what she gave me.

A beautiful jewellery box that has a photo on me on it. I love it.  This photo was taken by my uncle.  I have been told that I refused to be taken photo of, but I agreed to hold the kitten so my uncle could take photo of it. 

My quiltfriends that was over for coffe yesterday had bought me the book to the right.  It has several small projects I want to make.  The book to the left is one I treated myself today. 

Just had to buy this one because of this quilt (among several other beautiful quilts in this book).  If you remember the wonderful log cabin quilt in this post, I could not resist having this book.  And now I look forward to try the Marti Michel log cabin ruler.

The last day i september and I discovered that I had no finish for OPAM semptember.  Having one or more finishes all the other months I could not have zero this month.  But as every other quilter I just had to dive into my WISPS (UFO’s) and grab one that was fast to finish.

Done in just 20 minutes, and now I have a finish for september OPAM, and a new luggage tag for my suitcase. Not my best finish, because I struggled with the plasctic on the back.  But it is a finish.

Six more baskets is appliqued (status now: 18 done/110 more to sew)

And my Scandinavian Christmas blocks is sewed together.  Now I have to start applique the heart blocks for the outher border.  Still a lot to do and just 2 1/2 month until Christmas.  And I get distractet all the time with new projects.

Saying for today:

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Friday, September 28, 2012

September quilt meeting


Yesterday quiltmeeting in my lokal quilt group.  We were so lucky having Siw from Quiltegården in Trondheim visiting us.


And she had brought a lot from her shop for us to buy.


And she had brought a lot of inspiration.  And have a good look at the log cabinquilt in the first photo.  That one is so beautiful.


028And the ladies was shopping, and shopping, ans shopping.


Thank you Siw for visiting us.  Always so inspiring.  You gave us so much inspiration.

Then there was Show and Tell.  Enjoy the photos.


Did i buy something.  Oh yes.  Quiltegården is one of my favorite shops and I love her choice of fabrics and patterns. We was supposed to go on a quilt trip to Trondheim with our quilt group in a few weeks, but the trip is cacelled.  So why not spend the money I would have used on that trip this evening instead LOL.


52 lovely half 30 cm (is that almost the same as an F8??).  This package is a starter for the log cabin quilt. Now I have to look through my stash to add colours/fabrics to make it “my” log cabin quilt.


And the fabric to the left is more background for my basket quilt.  Still looking for more “busy” background like this.  And the fabrics to the right is for new Christmas placemats.  I love Lynettes new Christmas fabrics, and also do I love the two Christmas fabrics from Whimsical. 

Saying for today:


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Baskets or Scandinavian Christmas quilt??


I had big plans in having focus on my Scandinavian Christmas quilt so that I could finish it for this Christmas. Only three months to Christmas and I still have a lot left to do on this quilt. 

But when I met Sue Daley last thursday she told me that her baskets was so addictive.


And yes they are.  Since last friday I have appliqued 12 baskets and have some more ready to be appliqued.  So easy when I took the time to prepp a lot of basket blocks.  When I am sitting down watching tv I just grab a block and start stitching.  Hmmmm……done so many blocks it looks like I am just watching tv all day LOL, but in fact I have a full time job, so I am just sewing in the evening and in the weekends. 

I love doing needleturn, so I keep on applique these blocks, but I promise you I will have a little focus on my Scandinavian Christmas quilt next weekend.

Saying for today:


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Prepping baskets


Having new patterns and new fabrics I just had to start a new project.  But which one to choose.  Of  course I had to start on my favorite quilt with the baskets.  I started to pick some more backgrounds.


And opened the package with new fabrics I had bought.  At first I had planned to use these fabrics in the basket quilt, but now I think they are to yellow and green. I want a red look on the baskets, and I searched through my old fabrics and found a lot of red ones.


And started to trace the baskets. I love Sue’s acrylic templates, so easy to trace around with my new pen. 


I also bought a new scissor that Sue recommended, and this one is a must when doing needleturn.  It is so sharp and I can do some accurate cutting in the seam allowance.  I love it.


Using the superior thread doing my needleturn. You can buy the scissor, superiorthread, gluepen, needles and of course the patterns over at Sue’s webshop. All that you need to do needleturn and english paper piecing.


Today I have prepped a lot of blocks while watching tv. I got my wool slippers on because it is starting to get cold outside. Winter is coming fast.  We have already had several nights with minus 4 degrees.  Luckily no snow yet.  Hope it stays away for a long time.


One block finished and 34 more ready to be appliqued.  Sue told me she appliqued 10 blocks each day, no way I can sew these blocks so fast.  I have to make 128 basket blocks for this quilt so I guess I have something to do this winter, together with all the other projects I am working on.

Saying for today:

Dreams are today’s answers
to tomorrow’s questions.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Inspiration evening with Sue Daley


Last year I had the pleasure to meet Sue Daley in person,  I guess you all know that I love her designs and that I am working on several of them. Now she is visiting Norway again and yesterday we met again.


This time she had brought her dautgher on this journey to Norway.  Being blogging friends for several years it is so fun to meet her in person.  I dream about visiting Austalia some day.

First some photos from the shopping area.  Kathrines Quiltestue had so many temptations for us all.


Busy cutting fabric……………for me……..


oh yes I got tempted………….can tell you that as the evening went on, more and more was filled in this paperbag (mine is the one to the right)

Finally Sue started her trunkshow.  She had so many beautiful quilts to show.  Just enjoy the photos.  It is one thing to see the quilts in her book or on her patterns, seeing them for real is another thing.  I have just picked a selection of my favorite quilts to show you here now.




And this is absolutely my favorite. 


I LOVE this basket quilt and guess who is starting to sew this.

I guess you are curious of what was in my paper bag………….LOL
of course I could not resist to buy something with all these temptataions


Sue is recomending this scissor and tracing pencil, so now I am looking forward  to try them.  And I have a plan for these fabrics.


Kathrine is so good putting these fabric packages together.  40 lovely Fat eights.


Of course I had to buy the pattern for my favorite quilt Baskets For You.  And when I saw the Duke Road quilt I just had to buy the pattern for that one too.    Now I have two more of Sue’s quilts to sew.  I am already sewing on Antique Sampler and It Takes two (not to mention all the other patterns that I have not started on yet).  And what about the applecore quilt I started last weekend LOL


But I love her patterns and can’t resist buying them.  The pattern packages comes with paperpieces and cutting templates.  And with the glue pen, correct needles and thread, english paper piecing have become so fun and easy.  

Saying for today:

a friend is worth a thousand stitches SewCalGal

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