Thursday was the first quilt meeting this year. And 45 ladies had come to share this evening together.

This evening we had invited Trine Bakke (to the right) to talk about “How to get inspired to get project finished”. And it was so inspiring to listen to her, She had exactly the same philosophy as I, To have a lot of projects going on at the same time, and to always have a lot of “on the go” projects ready to grab.

Anne Kjersti from Lappemakeriet had brought a lot of stuff from the shop and we was so eager to get some shopping done.

They also showed a lot of inspiration from the shop. Like this ABC wallhanging in Norwegian. We always find a lot of english patterns for this, but then the letters does not compare with the the motif. Like A for Apple is not right in Norwegian, here it is E for Eple (apple), and we have the letter A Ø Å that is not in the english alphabet.

Look at this cute pillow. I bought the paper pieces for this one. It is called Carpenter’s wheel (16”).
Going to make this by using only fabric from my scrap bag.

More inspiration. I have the paper pieces (bought long time ago) for both these projects. Have to look them up now, but where have I stored them???

This is Lappemakeriets BOM for this year. I really love the look of this one. But I have told myself not to buy any BOM before I have finished the one that is laying in a box in my sewingroom. But…….. have to think a little about this one.

A lot of inspiration to get from this shop. Thank you Trine and Anne Kjersti for coming to our quiltmeeting.
And then there was show and tell. Enjoy the photos.

And I have brought my basket quilt to show. Looking forward to baste it and get it quilted.

Did I buy something. Of course. The pink fabric to the left is half 30cm. Bjørg and I shared these and I think we have the same project in mind. Will be fun to se how different they will be when we add fabric from our own stash. The light fabrics to the right, I just had to have them.
This weekend is going to be spendt in my sewingroom. Minus 20 outside, having my new sewingmachine to explore, new fabrics and a lot of ideas. I feel this is going to be a great weeend.
Saying for today: