This weekend Hanne visited me and we had a sewing room training camp. And of course she challenged me to have some finishes. First two I picked was a toilet bag that I made in a class wiht Hanne several years ago (loooooong time ago) and a drawstring bag I made also a looooooooooong time ago. Just a few little details left before they was finished, so why I have put them in the UFO drawer I have no idea.

First finish took about three minutes. Just had to pull the cord through the linings. Easy peasy to do with one of my favorite tools. It is called the Easy Threader and is perfect for pulling cords.

Second finish was the toilet bag. Just had to sew down two short bindings inside the bag. Took be about one hour (with a lot of chatting and coffee ). Voila……two finishes early saturday morning.

Then I started to quilt the rest of the table runner I started to finish last weekend. Just had to quilt around the hearts and the bottom green parts, and to sew on the binding.

While watching a good movie saturday evening I sewed down the binding, and now I have a new table runner on my table. This is also a design from my friend Bjørg (no blogger)
THREE UFO’s FINISHED IN ONE DAY, yohooooooo doing a happy dance.
And I have already picked some more small UFO’s to work on the next weeks.
I have too many small things in my UFO drawer. Stitcheries, small applique motives aso.
Have to do something about this.

Sunday morning after breakfast Hanne and I had planned to sew some angels. You remember the skinny angels we have made earlier. Now it was time to make those chubby angels. It is always fun to have a sewing companion in the sewing room.

This is my chubby angels. I love the look they have and I know I am going to sew more of these.
And with these angels i have FIVE finishes this weekend.
Yohoooooooooo !!!!!!

Here are my two chubby angels (to the left) together with Hannes chubby angel. It was so fun to make them. Hanne and I have already made plans for what to sew when we meet for our next sewing together weekend.

Now I am going to relax and just do some progress on my “One day at a time” quilt (Sue Daley design).

Rusken have stayed a lot in the sewing room together with us. I have started to wash all my “Shipshewana” fabric and Rusken found a nice sleeping place in the fabric pile. He is for sure a real Quilt cat.
Saying for today: