Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My to do list

I have decided to focus on some of my WISPs. Feel like I have to finish up something now. So I have looked through my boxes and found these:

#1 is the spring table cloth I started on at a workshop mai 2007. That's one year ago!!! So I want to finish it so I can use it this summer.

# 2 is continue handquilting on my Leannes House. Thought I should manage to quilt one block a week. But I have to take it slow. Handquilting is not that good to my shoulder. So I quilt a couple of threads each day.
#3 is Butterfly garden. Have prepared block two. It's a lot of stitching on this one. And I guess third block is soon coming.
#4 is the adventcalender I bought right before christmas. I planned to stitch one block each day at christmas, but........................ Have stitched a couple of blocks this week :)
#5 is Gail Pans sewing angels. Just two more blocks to stitch.
#6 is the Noas Arch stitchery BOM. A little cute stitchery that is fast to do. Block two is printed, but not stitched yet.

#7 is to start making something of all the civil war fabrics I have received. Do I start a DJ quilt or do I start the civil war diary quilt. Or do I start making monkey wrench blocks of all the colours?? Have to think a little about this.


I do not know if I manage to stick to this planning.

Tomorrow I'm going to our spring cabin trip. My bags are packed. Sewingmachine ready. And new fabrics bougth for a new bag I'm going to make. Bought a pattern at our annual quilt meeting and I want to make it. I had planned to use only from my stash, but when I visited the quiltshop today they had sooooooooooooo many new lovely know LOL

Saying for today:

Today's happy together times,
are tomorrow's warm with memory times


Anonymous said...

Hope you have fun at the cabin. I've started to work through some of my WIP's. The mounting pile was starting to get to me.

Libby said...

Have a fun time - bring back lots of pictures *s*

Nancy in Norway said...

Keep your head clear, there is a lot of temphtations out there!! Smile. (I'll be there to comfort you when you lose your track).

Have a nice trip to the cabin

~Marica~ said...

Have a nice trip togheter with your friends.


Nanette Merrill said...

Have a fabulous time. I have to get my unfinished projects out every once in a while and widdle them down. Good job.

Sweet P said...

That's a lot of stitching. Have fun at the cabin!

Lise in Norway said...

Enjoy your trip. I have just come home from one with a new bag all finished. A trip like this give a lot of vitamin Q so you will have enough to finish all UFO's Have fun

Carla said...

All of your WISPs are projects that I'd love to be working on. Have a great time at the cabin with your friends and fabric.

Anne Ida said...

Woho! That is some list! But gorgeous projects, so they deserve to be finished! ...but who am I to tell you not to start something new? *lol*

Enjoy your trip to the cabin!!

Leanne said...

Good luck with that list.... I remember the spring table cloth I loved it the last time I saw it.

Anita said...

Den dama med skifte av meninger hadde jeg virkelig sansen for :-D Og du - du lager MYE lekkert :-D

Elaine Adair said...

Woo hooo -- so many lovely projects in process - that Leannes House is my favorite!

And a sewing trip to the cabin also - you have died and gone to heaven!

Elin said...

Enjoy your stay at the cabin, and start something new, hehehehehehe... Wonderful projects all of your WISPs.

Stina Blomgren said...

Wow...that list sure is long...are you sure you´re going to stuck to it??? *S* Hope sooo...
Have a really nice time at the cabin!! And good luck with your WISPs!!!

Unknown said...

I hope you will have a great weekend with lots of sewing and laughing.

Teresa said...

Nice, nice, nice projects to work on and I can see how hard it would be to decide on what to do next. The first pic of the flower wreath - was that a preprinted panel or did you applique those flowers? So pretty!

Käranån said...

Du gör sååå många fina saker, och du..jag känner igen mig med att ha många projekt på gång o damen som funderar på vad hon ska göra är precis som jag..ha,ha... Du ska ha det bra i din "hytta"!

merete said...

Ser ut som om du har godt med arbeid utover! Lykke til :-)

Krikri said...

Så masse herlige prosjekt du har i arbeid. Blir kjekt å se dem ferdig. Lykke til.

Håper du har det kjekt på tur. Blir moro å se bilder.

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