Saturday, July 19, 2008

Angel meeting and blogging sleepover

Combined angel meeting and blogging sleepover. Here are me, Lise, Hanne and Anne Ida just starting to enjoy our time out on the porch.
Now we have been sitting here for a while........look at all the mess at the table. Coffe, stitching, books, patterns, embroiderythread, buns, fruit and a glass of martini rose.
We all say hey to all the other blogging sleepovers ; ref Fionas blog.
More to come later ..............
Wish you all a nice evening/night


Monika said...

Skål til dere som koser dere med vin - jordbær og stotching :)
Det ser SÅ koselig ut
Smil fra monika

Anonymous said...

So much fun, I do wish Norway wasn't so far away. Enjoy your angel sleepover time together.

sewkalico said...

Hope you ladies all have a great time! Looks like fun!!!

~Marica~ said...

Hi Girls,
I wish I could bee with you right now but I hope you had a good time and stitching alot...

hugs to you all!

Elin said...

Dette ser heilt kjempekos ut! Skal de ikkje sove? Herligheten, då må de vere varsame med vinen! Neste galskap de finn på må de annonsere i god tid, slik at ein kan melde seg på, hehe...

Anonymous said...

WOW! Looks like you girls were set up for a great night of stitching. Wish I was there.

jodie said...

Have fun ladies, and happy stitching.


Rose Johnston said...

Hi girls! Looks like great fun, wish Australia was a bit closer! Get heaps of stitching done, cant wait to see all these angel quilts!!

Peg - Happy In Quilting said... all looks perfect...what else could you ask for,,,

Sue said...

The blogging sleepover was a lot of fun...and it looks like you ladies enjoyed it very much.

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