Sunday, August 31, 2008
My sunday

Saturday, August 30, 2008
Goodies in the mail
The first I opened was from my dear friend Nancy. She have been in Birmingham, but had bought me a thimble from Holland because their flight was by Amsterdam. And I also got some beutiful fabrics as a prize from her 100th post blogiversary.
And look at this card she sent me. I LOVE IT. "Life is nothing without friendship" it says. I guess Nancy have thought about me and her looking like this in some years.
Thank you girls for giving me these wonderful gifts because of my two years blogiversary in august. I feel so honored. And your place is now on my "want-to-go-some-day list". Big hug from me to you all.
A friend is what the heart needs all the time
Friday, August 29, 2008
Today after work I stopped by the quiltshop, as I always does on fridays because they have a long opening at the shop. On other days the shop is closed when I'm off work. Perhaps that's good for my wallet LOL. Today when I came by Irene at the shop told me she had something to show me............ and she laughed..........she probably knew I was going to fall for this ....... and she asked me if I could make a sample.
Look how cute these photos are. I'm going to iron them on line and make a bag of it. And of course I have to add som old lace, some cute buttons and perhaps some ric rac. And perhaps I make a workshop of it if I'm satisfied with the result. I'll start tomorrow after visiting my mother.
This evening I've just relaxed and stitched on my fourth block of Butterfly Garden. And almost falling asleep in front of the tv. I have lit some candles because it's very dark outside now. The autumn is coming very fast now. Just a few warm degrees during the night, but lovely warm sun in daytime.
And tomorrow I have to go to the postoffice to collect a package. Got a note in the mailbox today that a package from Spane had arrived. Wonder what it is.
Saying for today:
Autumn is a second spring
when every leaf is a flower
Monday, August 25, 2008
Stitchers' Angels - Treasure hunt
And next week it's my project for you :) I look forward to show it to you.
Have you started something for your Stitchers' Angel friend yet? I have finished one and will try to make another this weekend. And hope to post the first surprise for her next week.
You need to keep an eye out on the 7 designers' blogs for clues. They will be posted random at any time so my suggestion so as not to miss out on a clue is to bookmark each blog, add them to your bloglines or subscribe to their feeds. You find the designers blogs in my sidebar.
You need to collect all of the clues and at the end when you have them all you will have the answer to the treasure question. And when Helen ask you for the answer you have to mail it to her.
I know where to put my clues (yes there will be more than one) some time during the next weeks. And I think you know where to find them. I promise I will make it easy for you.
Saying for today:
A true FRIENDSHIP...Is a treasure that can never be lost.
I'm so glad we found each other!
Sunday, August 24, 2008
At the cabin
A big bowle filled with these delicious red berries.
and look at the wonderful pink colour!!
Ready to eat. Have to admit I ate toooooooooo much.
Not only dessert, but also these delicious cake.
Did we sew anything this weekend
take a look......
And almost finished four of these thread bins with pincushions. Just have to fill birdsand in the pincushions.
Feel I have been very lazy this long weekend. Just eating, sleeping, laughing and a little bit of sewing. But think that was good for my neck which is feeling much better now. Time together with good quilt friends is great.
Starting tomorrow to do some serious cleaning up in my sewingroom LOL Now it's just a mess.
Saying for today:
- A friend is a person who goes around,
saying nice things about you behind your back
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Our yearly trip to the cabin

This is our annual trip to the cabin. If you're a regular reader of my blog you probably remember posts about these trips before. These trips started several years ago (ten I think)
and in the beginning we went to the cabin on saturday morning and back home on sunday. After some years we started on friday evening, then on thursday evening, and this time we go to the cabin on wednesday evening. We so enjoy these quilt trips to the cabin so we starts earlier and earlier each year.
Promise to bring my camera and take some photos of our projects this weekend
Dogs come when they're called;
cats take a message and get back to you
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Quilt medicine

Tea pot is on, the cups are waiting,
Favorite chairs anticipating,
No matter what I have to do,
My friend there's always time for you.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Stitchers' Angels update

Monday 18th is the first project available and here is the list of the designers. Please visit their blogs and say hello, and perhaps you will get a little sneak peak of what they are designing for you too :) And perhaps there will be some other surprises during these weeks............like a treasure hunt.............wait and see :)
Monday 18 th aug: Helen Stubbings of Hugs and Kisses
Monday 25 th aug: Natlie Lymer of Cinderberry Stitches
Monday 1 st sept: Me :)
Monday 8 th sept: Karen Gass of Cotton Spice
Monday 15 th sept: Lynette Anderson O'Rourke
Monday 22 th sept: Tracy of Plumcute Designs
Monday 29 th sept: Sue Daley of Patchwork with Busy Fingers
I ain't going!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Another giveaway and back home.....alone

It was very special coming back home to an empty house. Just Frida cat saying meooow to me when I came home. But that's life, the children has to move out of the house and settle down for themselves. And when I know they are doing great, I am happy for them.
On our way up to Trondheim we had a little stop at Tynset where Anne Heidi has her shop Lappemor.

This weekend I am going to enjoy these books, relaxing, watching tv (old movies) and SEW. Just spend some days in my sewingroom.
Donna have sendt me the name of my swap partner in the SSCS. I am so thrilled that it is this girl. She has a very inspiring blog that I visit often. And I think I know what to make for her.
Perhaps I will start her christmaspresent this weekend. And I promise you a lot of sneakpeak of it............just to tease you all :) Wonder who my secret santa is??? Do you visit my blog and comment?? Are you a new blogger to me or do I know you??? It is so fun doing secret swaps.
BTW Donna is having her birthday today so visit her blog and say Happy Birthday. She deserves it because she is such a nice girl administrating this SSCS for us.
Saying for today:
Monday, August 11, 2008
Some new giveaways
Candace is also celebrating her 100th post with a giveaway.
And Lila Tueller Designs is giving away a wonderful purse. Already 522 comments, and that tells you how wonderful the purse is.
And so there is Cheryl at Polkadots & ric rac. She is also having a great giveaway celebrating her one year blogiversary.