Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Peek a boo

Hey....who is that playing peek a boo with me....

Frida............what on earth are you doing on top of my stereo???
You never been sitting there before!!!

Okey...perhaps I have neglected you today while stitching on my new project. Sorry Frida, promise to give you some extra hugs now, and some goodies on your plate.

Saying for today:
Dogs have owners.
Cats have staff


Julie said...

You really should have called that post "The Cat and the Fiddle"! I love Frida. I've owned three black fluffy cats in my lifetime. They are so adorable. Unfortunately where we live we have so many beautiful little birds so I my parents adopted my last cat and he has gone to live in the city. That saying is so true too.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Frida is sooo cute !

And what's that new project ???

Leanne Beasly, for sure....
a pouch, no doubt....
a winner, of course ! ;>)


Elaine Adair said...

Too cute!

Margaret said...

I have a little time to read stories and get inspired. Thanks Abby for the stories and I agree on "The cat and the fiddle.

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Miss Frida was having lots of fun with mummy....love the stitchery.

em's scrapbag said...

Cute kitty. Love your stitchery.

Donna said...

Love your cat.

Anonymous said...

Very cute stitchery, is it a Leanne Beasley design?

Unknown said...

Cute cat! And the saying, so true...
Your stitchery looks great. It´s so fun to stitch, isn´t it?

Lise in Norway said...

Frida is cute, but you know me Stithcing is the best LOL

Trudi said...

Love the saying about cats having staff- how true! Pop over to my blog when you can because you're in for a surprise!

Nancy in Norway said...

Oh Frida. Have mom been a bad mom keeping her lap and hand occupied with stitchery! You just show her that you need some attention too.

Love your new project.

Beth said...

Frida is so cute! Nice stitchery!

Teresa said...

Cats can find the darnest places to perch themselves. Your stitchery project looks very interesting.

Tazzie said...

Frida is just adorable, and I love the project you're working on - it's super cute.

Sew Create It - Jane said...

LOL - love the little eyes peering around the side...cute!

Gesine said...

Great cat - and too true, your saying about cats and dogs *lol*. I'm looking forward to see more of your new project.
Greetings, Gesine

Hanne said...

Hi Frida - you are a cutie, and the boss in your house :-)
I bet you don't like the snow either - neither do I or Rusket.

Chocolate Cat said...

How true that saying is!!!
Great photos of Frida.

SewAmy said...

I just love your blog.

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