.....over my sewingroom LOL It has been a total mess (
again) for several weeks
(months). I have been so busy both at work and at home so that my sewingroom has been so neglected. But this weekend I took control over it again.

And it feels so good. Now I feel happy walking into my sewingroom and I feel like sewing again. I know
Hanne has done the same this weekend, and
Stina has also problems with her sewingroom.
BTW Hanne is also having a giveaway on a new pattern, so head over to
her blog and see what she has designed this time.
Another giveway is done by Abbie. She is giving away a wonderful quilt so head over to
her blog and make a comment.

After finished cleaning up my sewingroom I made a mess out of it again LOL (just kidding) Deadline for sending the package in the Polkadot and Ric-rac swap is nov 15th and I had to finish sewing a little thing for my swap partner. This is a little sneak peak of what could be in the package.

And this is what I am sending ........ooooops.......I almost wrote her name. Or this is what I thought it would look like. When I put everything in the envelope to see what postage it would be, it turned out that it was just a tiny little bit overweight for a normal postage. So what do a girl do...........I unwrapped it and put it all together another way. I think the important thing is to send her everything I had put together. The wrapping paper is not that important. So now it is in the mail overseas to xxxxxx. I will show you a photo of it when she has received it......in about a week I guess :)

The name tags I had ordered was in the mail yesterday. And I am so pleased with it. Grmphhh....that reminds me I forgot to put one on my little gift for my polkadot swap partner. I am so pleased how they turned out.
This weekend I have enjoyed the company of my DD. She came home for a few days and we have had a great time together talking, shopping, watching movies, good food and just relaxed. She have worked on her photo schoolproject and I have been stitching. It was so good to have her back home for a few days.
Saying for today:
May the colors of your life be bright
and the threads in your life very strong

ps: I have been a very very bad commenter lately..........I hope things calms down very soon so I have time to place comments more often. But want to let you know that I read the blogs every day :)
Oh my gosh...you are in command again!!! Now you can mess it up again...lol..
Oh...someone is sure going to be a lucky lady...cause it is a lady...am I right? Nice to have the kids home for a while..just to see that they are ok!!! Have a great week!!!
How nice to have the kids with us! My DD is in the midle of the Atlantic, in Açores and she is coming only in Christmas.I must do the same at my sewingroom too! Have a nice week! :)
I can relate to a mess. I just dont seem to get time to clean it up without messing again. But I know were thing are. Its great to have time with DD. My 3 have been sick all weekend. Next week will be better.
you polka dot packages looks very fun and I love your new tags
be kind to yourself
How lovely to have your daughter home for a visit.
You seem to have been very generous with your ric-rac swap partner. Looking forward toseeing the great reveal.
I am blog-hopping through Chookyblue's SSCS list to see who else is playing.
Your sewing room looks fabulous, well done!!! I'm absolutely envious .... this means I must get in and do mine because at the moment it can only be described as (dis)organised chaos!!!! Eeeek!!!
Joy :o)
Where did you buy these tags with your name on?
I love the new tags, Mae Britt. They look so you!
You have inspired me! I have the day off tomorrow and have decided that my sewing room will be cleaned and re-organized. Thank you!
I've been a bad commenter too. Too much going on. I'm wishing We would all call a comment siesta but I miss seeing what everyone is doing. I agree about the tidy sewing room. It helps my creativity.
Don't feel bad about not having time to leave comments my friend... We all prowl through dozens of blogs and read lots of little snippets. Even though we might not always leave comments, we've left our own fingerprint by visiting with that person and sharing their moments of fun! Relax and enjoy....
luv and hugs Cheryl
hm... e en blomstermalt blå kurv fra grete m æ ser i hylla di?? ;)
Gosh you have been busy ...well done....I can relate to you...must get some motivation and clean up my sewing room
Well Done on a beautiful tidy sewing room!!! Love the name labels, very cute!! Cathy
come and clean my room while I finish my polka dot swap
Your sewing room looks very neat and clean. There's nothing like walking into a clean sewing room is there. To bad they never stay that way, LOL. Those new tags are wonderful and fun to have.
Hugs - Karen
Your tags turned out very nice. Bdw your sewingroom looks too neat in the picture. Hurry up to make some mess again - Creativ mess. SMILE
Thanks for the sneaky peaky into your swap gifts. Maybe your partner can just go look at the gifties all wrapped pretty before she opens the pkg. LOL
Sewing room looks great again!! Way to go.I need to be doing some of that cleaning myself. Instead I just moved my machine into the dining room. LOL!!!
wow what are you going to do with such a clean room? Enjoy your daughter:)
Congratulation..., mine is still a mess, jeje.
Hugs, Teresa Sako.
I have straighten up too and it feels so much better, like I can get in there and accomplish something now. I really like your tags!
Nice name tags!
Godt jobba, - et ryddig(ere) syrom gir rom for mer syglede, ikke sant?
Klar for å ta flere bilder og si noe mer om rommet ditt? *glis*
I think from my recent experience I need to ask how long you project this state of order to remain in place.
I put triumphant pictures in my blog of a tidied room and then I began sorting pansy and butterfly fabrics and needing larger crates and Oh dear! Somehow I have a mess again.
your sewing room is beautiful now :-)!
my sewing corner no too much :-(
Will you come and gain control of my room for me would you please??? It looks great!
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