I am so lucky to have great friends that have sendt me adventpackages. So in my stairs lays packages from Hanne, Nancy and Nadine. To be opened every sunday in advent. I have decided to open one on friday evening, one on saturday morning and one on sunday morning.

So this weekend I was allowed to open package number one.

And this is what was in them. From Nancy some yummy yummy chocolate. I guess you see one is already missing when I took the photo (now the box is empty LOL), from Hanne I got a Tilda stitchery and DMC embroidery yarn, and from Nadine som cute cat buttons. I love this tradition with adventcalendar.

I took my santa stitchery with me to visit a friend today. And her dog who loves me so much, got a bit jealous on the stitchery. She wanted all my attention all the time.

I the post yesterday was to packages. One was Butterfly Gardn block number 7. I am so behind stitching these. Perhaps I get some more time when I have two weeks of christmasholidays. Really look forward to a lot of relaxing and sewing these two weeks.

The other package was from
Paulette who was my secret swap friend in the Polkadot and Ric-rac swap. Look what she have made for me. A beautiful BIG drawstringbag in flannel. I love the fabric she has used and I imidiately thought of this was the perfect bag to keep my Leannes House quilt which I am handquilting on right now. She had also made me a kitchentowel with embroidery and polkadot border. She had also added a cute pincushion, three polkadot fabrics and a quilt sign. Thank you Paulette for being my swap partner. I got a little suspicious the other day when you commented on my blog where you told that you too was waiting for your swap package and that you had posted yours to your swapfriend LOL LOL That swap partner was me :)

And this is what i finished today. Working all weekend on it. Block number 2 of 9 in the Joy of Life BOM. So now Bjørg and I will have another sewing meeting this week to prep the next block.
Saying for today:
Anyone who believes that men are the equal of women
has never seen a man trying to wrap a Christmas present

Vilka snälla vänner du har som du byter julklappar med. Du har verkligen fått fina saker och jag kan tänka mig att chokladen smakade bra ;-) Det ska bli spännande och se vad som finns in dina nästa paket..Sedan önskar jag lyckat till med alla dina nya projekt..
Så mange hyggelige gaver!!!
Ha en fantastisk advent :o)
You are a lucky ladie having such
good friends like Hanna , Nancy and Nadine.
I didn' know that costume of Advent caleder but it's very cute!
So you finally got your package on time ! ;>) I'm glad about that. ENJOY !
(do I recognize Irene's dog ?? Such a nice dog!)
Wow, how many Advent gift's.....!!!!!!!
What a lovely idea with the advent gifts something we do differently here we have advent calendars with either lollies or chocolates in each of the 25 pockets or maybe little trinkets to hang on the tree mainly for children... might start a new tradition with my close quilting friends...
your joy of life block looks very pretty....
Wow, something to look forward to every weekend! And maybe there will be chocolate each time. LOL
what a lovely little package you received in the Polkadot and ric rac swap............I have heard nothing..........maybe the mail will be good tomorrow..........
You have received a wonderful PD&RR swap gift, also. How fun to have those Advent packages to open each week-end. Such nice friends....
Our little tradition of Advent Sunday (weekend) gifts has come to stay, don't you think ? :-)
Looks like the postman has been extra busy in your part of the woods.
Lovely block !!
Nydelig ble blokken din May Britt
Spennende med pakker i posten
Ha en fin uke
Looks great what you got! Also like the ric rac swap. Since I'm blogging, I've started to like aprons.
Actually the last present I wrapped the poor man standing watching me took over.
I am hopeless. Hate cutting the paper to size, seems like I am wasting it.
But good quote. I am just the exception.
Like the idea of the advent parcels also.
What a wonderful Advent tradition you, Hanne, Nancy and Nadine have started! I might recommend that to my bee! Your Joy of Life block is beautiful, like all your work. The Polka-Dot/Ric-rac swap looks like it was fun. SuzK
I'm glad you liked you goodies:) Love all the advent goodies what a fun idea:)
En Brasil nosotros comemoramos o advento.yo soy del sur de Brasil,y tine muchas personas que precisan de ayuda,nen que sejan de oraciones.
Vamos empezar a orar hasta la navidad!!!!buena semana para usted!
I love the saying of the day, how appropriate. I hope you enjoy your advent presents.
Love the Joy of Life block.
Hello May, I love the idea of Advent Sunday, very special. Regards Lyn
It's a really good idea this tradition with the advent calendar!! But I don't know if I could stay without opening the gifts!! ;)
You have a lot of nice gifts! I love the green quilt on your second photo. Very pretty!
I have only finished 4 of my Butterfly garden blocks! What a great tradition you have with the advent calender game.
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