And next portion of medicine was this cute free BOM from Bunny Hill design. I really love this cute snowman in the basket and can't wait to see who/what she puts in the basket next month. I have put some other buttons at it, but I know I have those heartbuttons some place in my sewingroom.
Feeling a little better now, but the cough is horrible and keeps me awake all night.
Saying for today:
Getting an idea should be like sitting down on a pin;
it should make you jump up and do something.
--E. L. Simpson
I hope you are feeling better soon. That cough is nasty - don't leave it unattended to long. I'm nearly finished my snowman block, it's a wonderfol BOM. Your Christmas stichery is pretty too.
Take care of yourself...Ann :)
May Britt this is an old wives tale ... but I'm told by a very dear friend that it WORKS!!!
To stop coughing you should rub Vicks Vaporub onto the soles of your feet before you go to bed ..... I hasten to add that a pair of socks over the top would be a very good idea, but I'm guessing in your climate you'd probably be wearing some anyway ;o)!!!
Give it a try, you've got nothing to lose (except the cough LOL) ;o). Hope it works for you ... and hope you're feeling better soon!!!
Joy :O)
Try dark chocolate for your cough, there is a chemical in it which acts as a cough suppresant. Just a few squares an hour. Hope this helps, cheerie
Wow you get lots done having the flu! Hope you feel better. You have an inspiring blog! Thanks!
Lovely, lovely stitcheries ! I'm so sorry you're sick and am sending to you a BIG KLEM, with my best healing wishes !
(THANKS for your kind comment on my blog ;>)
Dear May Britt!
I hope, you feel better. My best wishes to you.
I work on the same two pattern in this moment :-)
Greeting from Germany
Wow, You have been busy with that flu. I love both of your projects. I hope that you feel better soon and still have the time to stitch.
Hi. Your blocks looks great. I'm done with Gail's Hope to do the snowmanblock soon.
Hope you will feel better soon. Hugs ;-)
I hope you are feeling better soon. Your blocks are very nice. I love today's quote!
Mye flott å se her på bloggen din. God bedring, er ikke så ille å ha en sy(k)dag innimellom heller når vi har hobbyen vår:-)
So lovely !! Hope you are feeling better quickly . Even in bed you have been very busy.Your blog is very nice.Have a nice week-end.
God bedring. Kjempeflotte blokker.
May Britt those are very cute. You do such lovely work. Glad you are feeling good enough to do a little sstitchery.
Feel better soon. Did you get it checked out? Vitamin c does help a cough and Cough Control can't always get them so I order them online. I have lots of boxes now. If you email me, I'll send you some.
sorry to hear you have not been feeling well...hope it doesn't last too long...Boy you were quick with this new BOM...looks Lovely.
I hope your feeling better soon May Britt. I love your finished projects though. Very cute.
Get well.
That flu sounds just horrible...glad to see that you copuld still manage to do a few stitcheries. Here's hoping that flu flies out the door real soon so you can start to feel better.
I could never do stitching whti the flu but it sure sems like good medicine!
Is it still cold at your place?
May Britt, your blocks are so nice. I do a lot of redwork and you mentioned a thin batting behind the fabric you are stitching on. Can you tell me the purpose of this? I'm Curious. Yours stitchery is beautiful.
I hope you feel better soon. Coughing during the night is terrible. Hot tea helps. Hot soup. Get better soon!
You did great jobs while being ill. The blocks are pretty.
It's no fun to be sick - hope your feeling better and you sure didn't let that slow you down - love your projects. I'm starting my bunny block this weekend
Hugs - karen
Doesn't the thread and needle catch on the batting as you stitch?
I hope that you get well soon, I am glad to hear that you can at least get some sewing done, both projects look lovely!
Cheers Erica
Hei Ser du har fått mange gode råd for din hoste. Håper de hjelper og at du er i farta snart igjen.Du er utrolig stå på dame som klarer å sy i sengen tross feber og influensa. Håper på god bedring May Britt. XOXOXOXOXOXO Nydelige broderier.
Looks like your flu medicine is doing you good ;-)
Lovely blocks !!
Today I will sit on my pin cushion and get a lot done :-)
Utolig hva du får til. Du får ha riktig god bedring.
Hello May,
I'm sorry that your not well but it looks like not even the flu can stop you.
I left a comment on your post about the one a month challenege then realised howmany comments you had had i wasn't sure if you would notice another comment had been left I would love to join the list of ladies that are taken part in the challenege.
Please could you let me know if this is ok.
Thank you
Joanne xx
Ahhh... hoppas att du mår bättre nu!!!
Igår kom jag tillbaka i blogland och det känns hur bra som helst det har hänt så himla mycket att jag nästan är paralyserad... *S*S*
Hi, May.
I hope that you feel better soon.
I worked on the same pattern (Gail Pan) but SSSnnniiifff!!!! I didn't have the same fabric. Hehehehehe =)
I loved both of your projects.
Wow, your fast! Your blocks are darling...hope you're feeling better soon!
Hei. Har du prøvd rødvin? Blokkene ble nydelige. Tror faktisk at jeg har det samme stoffet. Men du er fortsatt litt for kjapp, he he. Håper du er i form igjen til helga. Da skal vi sy da. God bedring og klem. Kjerstin
great to hear you are on the mend May Britt....that cough is awful though....seems to hang on for weeks.
Now I have to say that I love your 'medicine' and it seems to be working very well!
Now....where's my pin cushion?.....
Hey May Britt! Just letting you know my email is off the air AGAIN! SIGH!! Very tired of being mucked around and GB is already in the process of changing server companies. Will have to wait til I'm properly back on the air before I can do much. Off to sulk and stitch! Bear Hugs! KRIS
Wishing you a speedy recovery May Britt, love the new projects you're doing....
Glad to hear you are feeling a little better May both of your projects...take care.
I don't belive, even with a flu you have so much work done! :)
I've also take the same patterns that you have done, to do one of this days.
So sorry that you are still feeling bad but at least you are getting some pretty things made.
Get Better Soon!!
Drink fluids, rest, stitch. You'll be on the mend before you know it!
Oh I do hope you are feeling better soon (and your cough goes away). Your blocks are lovely. I like the quote for today :)
Your blocks look terrific. Sorry to hear you're still unwell. Hope your cough goes soon ... it sounds a nasty one.
Very cute blocks. Hope you feel better soon.
Ønsker deg god bedring, selv om det faktisk ser ut som du har det ganske bra i sengen ;o)
Har tittet i bloggen din lenge men aldri lagt igjen spor :-( Mye fint og mange flotte ting du drar igang for andre quiltere. Tror jeg må hive meg på den Ufo-tingen, for de er det noen av.
Sorry to hear about your cough. Hope you feel better soon. Your blocks look fantastic. I love your little snowman! Now I feel inspired to make one too!
Hi, May, I followed a link from Chookyblue's blog comments to you here so I could ask a question about Bloglines. You commented that you can add them to favorites and this is a feature I didn't know about. Would it be difficult to explain a bit about that?
I am also making these two projects and both are in progress but neither finished yet.
Connie W
I am glad you are feeling a little bit better. I too am doing that cute basket of the month, and I love the colors you have chosen. Can't wait for the next one.
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