Sunday, July 25, 2010

Butterflies on a rainy day

Cold, windy and rainy today. It feels like there been no summer yet. Just a day or two, and then it's gone. It is too early to have autumn yet. I want more summer heat.

So today when it was perfect inside sewingweather I decided to prep the rest of my Butterfly Garden blocks.

I have been working on unite 6
and so far I have two miniblocks left to stitch,

This week I have finished this applique mini block

and this stitcheryblock.
Two miniblocks this week................ I am so happy.
My progress is good :)

I discovered I had already prepared unite 7.
Traced the stitchery and the applique pieces.

So I found unite 8 and 9 and decided to prepare them. Always so nice to have all this done and just grab a unite and start stitching when I want :) I had good assistance from Frida Cat. She was supervising all my cutting.

Mom.....are you going to sew the pieces together soon.

Okei....I'll just sleep here until you are ready.

I now remembered again why I stopped preparing the blocks for this quilt. Not enough fabric for the miniblocks. And colours that did not match the pattern at all. But now I was so determined that I should put these blocks together today. So in to my sewingroom and found replacements in my stash.

Another thing I discovered is that the outher border has to be stitched together to get it long enough. I do not like that at all. I like my quilts to have whole lenghts of border fabric, with no seams on it. But I do not want to spend more money on this quilt, so I just use what I got in the package.

All unites are no prepared for sewing. It feels good.

Saying for today:

"Just living is not enough," said the butterfly,
"one must have sunshine, freedom and a little flower."
~Hans Christian Anderson


Sølvis blog said...

Har går det framover fortere enn Rørosbanen ja.
Så bra at du fant en løsning på stoff-problemet. Temmelig irriterende at de ikke passer på at det er nok stoff i pakken.

Hanne said...

I am so with you - working along - not enough fabrics for all the units or applique, and did I mention how much I dislike to have to join strips to make borders ??

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

May Britt.....goodness you have been so very busy, all your blocks are looking great...I need to prep a few more blocks

Katharina said...

It's not a nice thing, having not enough fabrics, but for me: I like this quilt, he is really beautiful, I'm waiting thince some weeks on new pictures about your progress!
In our country, the weather was too hot and dry for the last four weeks, sometimes till 35 degrees, also too hot for stitching and sewing!!! Last week, we decided to spend some days in Norway in August,we yearn for normal temperatures without heath-attacks ! I CAN'T WAIT !!!

Radka said...

Your quilt is coming along very well! Nearly there!

Dolores said...

It's so nice to have help. The job goes so much quicker(?) Your Butterfly Garden blocks are coming along nicely. You will soon be finished.

Gari in AL said...

I really like your quilt, so many cute blocks. As to heat, you need to be visiting the southern US where it has been hot, hot, hot. Maybe we can trade weather for a while.

Crowing Moon said...

Looks beautiful. You have been busy. Well done!

Lurline said...

Pretty, pretty - and I do love your dear, wee friend!
Hugs - Lurline♥

Karen said...

It is looking soooooo good. Thanks for sharing.

merete said...

Jeg har fulgt postene om sommerfugl-hage-quilten, og jeg må si du/ dere imponerer! Det må bli godt når quilten er klar, - men å så fint å få følge med underveis. Motiverende!
Glad du bestemte deg, selvom du ikke er så begeistret for det, at du ville finne erstatninger blandt egne stoffer (for du har jo så innmari mye fint!).

Anonymous said...

You have been very busy with your blocks. It is looking quilt lovely, despite all your challenges with the kits. You are definately rising above them.

Anonymous said...
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Nicky said...

Your quilt is looking great - I really love your beautiful neat stitches and your perfect needleturn applique.

Lynda said...

That's a shame about your border fabrics BUT you quilt blocks are looking so beautiful. I am stitching block 4, then will go to block 9 and work backwards to block 5 in the hope my needleturn improves a bit before sewing all those butterflies.

Sandra Coleman Clarke said...

Your work is fantastic! I have the patterns for the butterfly quilt but have not started it. I wish we could give you some of our sunny hot days---very very hot, near 100 F. I am so ready for cool weather. Keep inspiring me. Sandra in Georgia

Jannette said...

I live in Canada, and I think we got all of our summer and your's too - it has been VERY hot and humid here.
I love your butterfly garden project - I can't wait to see it finished!

mascanlon said...

As always I am inspired by how much you get done, May Britt. I hate piecing the borders too but in this quilt there is so much going on I don't think anyone will notice. Its going to be so lovely!

Satu said...

Oh dear, I'm envying you - both. You have been so busy with BG. But nevertheless I'm going to finish only one mini per week... or two;)

My Life and Quilting said...

The butterfly quilt is comming out beautiful... You have done a great job and I just love it... On another note I want some of your cool weather.. We have been so hunid and hot... Very unusal for us in Wisconsin... USA Keep up the great work and I just love your blog... :)

Anonymous said...

May Britt.....your quilt is going to be beautiful!!!! Sometimes it is nice to use your own fabrics and make the quilt truly your own.

Chookyblue...... said...

keep up the work on your quilt and you will get it finished........frustrating when you don't have all the correct fabrics........

Cida said...

I like very much blocks, your job is beatiful.
Your cat is pretty.

Elin Synnøve said...

Hallo May Britt.
I likhet med deg liker jeg ikke å skjøte stoffet/-ene til bordene, men teppet ditt blir såååå fantastisk at fokuset blir dratt til midtpartiet og ikke kantene. Kanskje en miniblokk som binder de skjøtene stoffene sammen...?
Vi er i California, nærmere bestemt i San Diego. Jeg har vært på quilteshow i Long Beach. 5 timer med utstilling og butikkrunde var alt for liten tid!!!! Rapport kommer senere. Møtte noen fantastiske damer der; den ene kursholderen/bokforfatteren snakket norsk!! Hun vil gjerne komme til Mjøs-området og arrangere kurs el.l.
Det ser ut til at du nytter sommeren til det fulle med sømmelige aktiviteter! Quiltehilsen fra Elin Synnøve som vurderer å gi deg en liten sommeroppmuntring fra "Over There". (Har jo funnet endel goodies....)

julieQ said...

Just beautiful! I love your helper...

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