Sunday, September 19, 2010

Have you missed me

I just realized there is two and a half weeks since my last blogpost. And I started to get mails from blogfriends that was worried :) Nothing wrong, time have just flown away the last weeks. Thanks for your concern :)

So here is a little summary:

The last days I have been cursing the closing of bloglines. I had so many blogs on my list there. Now I have decided to put them in my sidebar, but also to be very selectiv. Still not finished with my list, but I think this is actually a good way to follow blogs. I have already started to comment more and that is a goal for me. To comment more on the blogs I follow. My bloglist in the sidebar will be long, because there is so many wonderful quiltblogs.

And as you see I have given my blog a new look. But the header did not come out so good. Guess I have to make a new one, but I really like the old one. Have to figure out how to make it better, or just make a new one.

So what's new on the sewing.........

Frida cat and I have had some good time in the sewingroom. I started to machinequilt my autumn houses. I have to take it veeeeeeeeeeeery slow because of my bad shoulder. And as you see the quilt inspector looks after me.

And when I take a break, Frida cat is also relaxing

I have still a lot of quilting to do on this quilt, but I am so happy with the look of it.

Last weekend I visited my friend Laila and helped to move her sewingroom into a new room. It was so fun to look through her stash, books and patters. And I think Laila got a little surprised to find several forgotten projects.

I have been taking a lot of walks in the lovely autumn sun. My physiotherapist and doctors order. Long walks and swing with my arms. And it really helps, both on my shoulders and my mood.

At the last meeting in my quiltguild I gave our members a challenge. We have all been talking about making a new sampler for a long time. So I have made up some blocks for a minisampler. Here is my first two blocks.

and today I have cut the pieces for the next two blocks. It is so fun to sew on the line again.

While being away for several days on a workshop last week (with no internet in my room) I had traced the first block of "Angel among us" to stitch on in the evenings. I stitched almost the whole angel, then I decided these dmc colours was not my chose (even though I had selected the original colours). So what do do..........I unpicked all my stitching. And to unpick that much stitchery is not easy. I guess Hanne and Bente (no blogger) is laughing of me now. We have agreed to start stitching "Angel among us" together and I cheated and started early before the two others. So now I am back on scratch with this project LOL

But I have enjoyed stitching these two small stitcheries. Do not know what to make of them yet.

And I have finished this cute little christmas stitchery.

Saying for today:

Autumn is a second spring
when every leaf is a flower


Dolores said...

Glad to see you are back. I do hope your shoulder heals soon. I do like those new stitcheries = just don't overdo it.
I have a question: I clicked on the quilt that you are machine quilting and I wondered how you held the three layers together. I didn't see any basting threads or safety pins.

Kris Meares - Tag Along Teddies said...

Hey May Britt! Of course we missed you!!! Always lovely to catch up with the adventures of Miss Frida Cat and yourself! :0) Fun to see what you're stitching ... groaned in sympathy with your reverse stitching of your angel ... and glad to hear your walks are helping your poor shoulder get better. Look forward to seeing your finished autumn quilt. Bear Hugs! KRIS

Radka said...

Hallo May Britt, my week flew away too, somewhere? Nice to see you back on your blog, missed you.
My blog list is also very long, there are so many clever people out there! I have only just discovered those little stitcheries and bought a couple of Tilda, but now I can't decide on colours:(
I have also redone my blog to give it more autumn look, you must visit:)...hope you shoulder is getting better fast.

siv hege said...

It is very good to have you back! I have missed your posts :)

siv hege said...

It is very good to have you back. I have missed your posts :)

Hanne said...

Good to see you back on blog track May Britt :-)

Kaaren said...

I'm happy to hear that you and Frida Cat have not gone missing. Yes, you were missed!

Chocolate Cat said...

Gosh you have been busy! Not sure I would of had the patience to unpick my stitching, think I would of traced another one!!! Love the photos of your 'quilt inspector', I am typing now with a 'computer inspector'!!

Litamora's Quilt & Design said...

Good to see you're back :o) I've been neglecting my blog for so long, so I guess I'll have to pay some more attention to it from now on. Guess it will be more time to make some blog posts, and to do more sewing now when it's Autumn. Your furball looks like she's very happy about you do some quilting :o) Look forward to see your quilt when you're finished :o)
Have a great new week,

Val said...

Glad you are back. Hope you are doing good. I love seeing all of your projects.

Laila said...

Great you are back. And thanks for the pushing and the help with my sewing room .
Hugs ;-)

Peg - Happy In Quilting said...

Great to see you pop up in my google reader....and you have been busy...lots on the go...

Melanie said...

Google Reader is an easy converter for you. It's no fun learning new things, but consider giving it a shot. You have so many friends out there you would miss out on.....;)

Teresa said...

Loved looking over all your projects. Since I did not make your list, guess I won't be seeing you around much - but I will be watching your blog as it is the one that got me started with my blogging. Thanks for starting me on a journey that has been lots of fun and educational for me.

Gari in AL said...

I know what it is like to get so busy you forget to post. And I also am very unhappy to have bloglines leaving. It was so easy to keep up with everyone. I am currently trying Google Reader but having trouble adjusting. :-(

Anonymous said...

May Britt, yes I have missed your blogging.

At the moment DH and I are moving to be closer to our 2 grandchildren. It seems to be a mammoth task and I have been packing up my 7x8M craft room, sorting out what to store and what to take to our newly rented little cottage. We have a 6 month lease and we will try and find a home to buy during that time. I will blog when we get settled.

Chookyblue...... said...

nice to see your back and well.........great you got to catch up with Laila......

Message in a Bottle said...

Greetings from sunny Philippines. Nice site and posts you got here. will be in touch for your updates often. Cheers and more power always!

Anonymous said...

Lovely stitching and so glad that you remembered how to use your keyboard.....I have missed you.

mascanlon said...

Oh my goodness, you have been very busy! And I sure wouldn't have reverse stitched the angel, heavens to betsy lady! Hope your doing well , take very good care of that shoulder. Glad your back!

StarQuilt said...

Hei du. Ja jeg begynte å lure. Så det er slik blokkene blir. Var jo ikke der og så. Litt japansk. Det passer jo bra. Håper skulderen blir bedre. Tenker på deg. Klem

Satu said...

My inspector-cat Fenix wants to say purr... hello to Frida! It's nice to see that you both have fun in your sewing room. And we both really enjoyed all beauties we saw here;)

Kimonos and Sushi(OLD BLOG) said...

We all get busy... glad to see an hear that you have been stitching... I se that your adorable cat

Lappedamen said...

Hei og takk for hyggelige ord på bloggen min. Jeg ante ikke at det var ditt mønster. Det var en av mine quiltevenner som hadde det og jeg fikk det av henne. Det er bare så nydelig. Takk for flott mønster.

Helena said...

Mycket fint på gång.....

A Spoonful Of Sugar said...

Best wishes for a speedy recovery!! Love your "Bells a Ringing" stitchery - very sweet. Nothing beats working on Christmas projects.

Gloria J W said...

May Britt...I did miss you too!! Just talked about you today to a friend! I've been really lazy and blogged all year!! I'm trying to comment on all the blogs I read now. I too am going through my list and trying to shorten it and not randomly have all these sites that I don't even visit that often. But yours is always top of the list
Hugs from sunny Queensland Australia

John'aLee said...

I love those stitchery patterns. I am just starting to hand embroidery. And it makes me wonder what took me so long.
Great blog.

Talin's Corner said...

Your Christmas stitchery is gorgeous. I need to get back to stitching...

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