This has been a long weekend filled with vitamin Q.

Four good friends at a cabin, sewingmachines, good food, a lot of projects, red wine, laughter and several days just to sew and have fun.

Not just staying inside sewing. We also went for a little trip and a little higher up in the mountain there was snow!!! I am not prepared for snow yet, so I hope it keeps away for a while.

After a little walk in the forest, back to more sewing. Night and day sewing :)

Irene (no blogger) made good progress on her stars. We did not allow her to start on another project before these was done :)

It's a small cabin, so every empty space is filled with fabric or projects.

Britt (no blogger) cut almost 2000 squares for her project.

I finished
the challenge I gave to Bente and Hanne this summer. I can't show you what it is yet. It has to bee a secret until I meet these girls. This is my first finish in september.

I bought these fabrics in may and started to make a bag out of it. This weekend I almost finished it. The handles is ready and I just have to sew them on, and this will be my second finish this month.

This is another project I was sewing on this weekend. Some "crazy log cabin" blocks that will be a part of a christmas table runner.
I was very clever this weekend and did not overdoo any sewing. My shoulder is starting to feel better and I just have to be very careful.

Irene sewed all these blocks together. She just have to add the borders now and then it is ready for quilting.

Bjørg had brought a lot of table runners to the cabin. They was all sewn together and now she did the quilting of all of them.

She is the queen of tablerunners, and most of these are her own designs.

This has been a wonderful weekend and I already look forward to the next time.
Saying for today:
Friendship isn't a big thing -
it's a million little things. 
What a great weekend you had. Love all the things you all made.
It seems that you had a wonderful week end. I love the sayings at the end of your posts! Thanks for sharing them!
ååå så koselig dere må ha hatt det. og så produktive da...kjempefine quilter :o)
This vitamin Q weekend seems to have been great!!! you have been working a lot!!
Så flinke dere er, som lager så mye fint! Det tar seg veldig godt ut med lappetepper mellom bjerkestammene...
Her var det ekstra mye fint å se! Skulle gjerne hatt en slik week-end! Jeg liker det røde arbeidet ditt veldig godt!
You lucky women..... :)
I would have loved to be there...
....and all that beautiful work done, really well done :)
Hi. Seems you had a great weekend - Ups I know you had that.;-) You all did a lot of great works. Hug :-)
What a great weekend. Very productive. I love those table runners.
What a great weekend! Snow already?
I like the runners very much, the shades of red of yours are very nice:)
I love my weekends away with friends and fabric...I'll be headed to mine retreat in 5 weeks in Las Vegas! We never hit the casinos only the fabric stores. Thanks for sharing all those great projects, such talented friends.
Looks like another awesome retreat May Britt.....all the projects look amazing...can't wait to see more of your red table runner
You have done a good quiltingjob! It is always nice to spend time with good friends :)
Pretties - every one of them! Oh that snow looks so cold, we are just getting into Fall and looking forward to some cooler weather, but I sure don't want to see snow just yet.
I love to see photos of your group at the cabin. You all get so much done! I cannot believe there is snow - good grief! I live a couple of hours south of the tallest mountain in the US-Mt. Washington (6,288 feet-1.91658 kilometers) and it's foggy and 48F (8.8C) right now! I love fall and the cool weather, but I'm not quite ready for snow.
I'm glad to hear your arm is getting better!
A lot of beautiful projects! It's always great to sew together with friends.
Det der må jo være drømme-weekend! Så mange flotte prosjekter! Blir nesten målløs jeg, med mine halvferdige som ligger her og der... :o)
Får håpe jeg får i meg litt vitamin Q snart, så framgangen går fortere ;o)
Ha en strålende uke,
Dine innlegg gir meg virkelig vitaminen Q :-) Må ha vært en super helg!
Oh what a wonderful weekend you all had! I can't wait to see your challenge project! The peek looks cute!
What a good time! thanks for sharing your projects. Vitamin Q is one I will pay attention when I get the blahs next time!
I envy you, what a beautiful place and what a wonderful weekend, sewing all day with friends!!!
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