Friday, December 02, 2011

Christmas baking


Yesterday I prepared a dough for baking smultringer (doughnuts) today and after chatting with my friend Hanne late evening we just agreed that she should come for a visit and help me baking this dough today.


Because baking smultringer (doughnuts) needs two persons.
One baking…..


and one cooking them


Great teamwork with a lot of laughing and chatting.


And in the end a lot of tasty smultringer (doughnuts)


they taste so goodSmilefjes

And tomorrow more baking is planned

Now…..some sewing and redwine.

Saying for today:

Believe you can
and you're half way there.

- Theodore Roosevelt


Sissel`s syglede said...

Jeg kan kjenne lukten helt hit. Lukten av nybakte smulteringer minner meg om farmor. Hun og jeg bakte alltid smulteringer rundt juletider. Takk for at du delte dette :-) Ønsker deg en finfin helg.

“Old World Goodies” said...

they look delishes...would you be willing to share the recipe ...and I agree it is always more fun with a friend and after to enjoy ...
thanks for sharing

Becky said...

It looks like you two had a wonderful day together! And you've got me thinking about making doughnuts too. Perhaps I will take some into work on Monday - my co-workers would LOVE that.

Katie said...

They looks so good! :-)

Begoña said...

Que ricas tienen que estar!!!!!
Un saludo.

Nancy in Norway said...

Det der så jammen godt ut :-)

Grace said...

could I have the recipe :)? pretty please (if possible) ... continues wonderful Jule time

Charo said...

It looks delicious. Maybe you could give us the recipe.

Thank you

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