Already des.16 and today I have the day off from work (Yippiiiii). Breaking traditions today. Usually the Christmas tree is decorated on des 23, but I am going to do it today. Because this weekend we are going to celebrate Christmas #1. My DS and his girlfriend is coming home today and they will not be able to be with us on Christmas Eve because they are going on a long vacation trip, leaving Norway on Christmas Eve. Ordering the planetickets first, then told us Mom's they was not coming home on Christmas Eve.

So I have a lot to do today. The Christmas wallhangnings is on the wall and the Santas is starting to enter the house. My Magical Christmas (the quilt to the right) is up on the wall and it is also entered
the Quilting gallery Christmas Quilt contest. There are 67 submissions so there is a lot to see. And if you want you can vote for seven of them this time. (hope one vote will be on my Magical Christmas)
Saying for today:Christmas is about laughter, love, friends and family.
Don't get lost in the greed. Instead be thankful
for all of the joy around you.
- Nicole Lech
Lots of lovely quilts there, May Britt and yours got my vote. I just love it!
Da har jeg stemt på din quilt :-)
Håper dere f1år en fin bonusJul denne helgen!
I gave you a vote on your quilt. You always do such nice embroidery for your quilts.
Your saying for today is so right .... wish more people would read and practice it. Have a wonderful Christmas!
ENJOY ! This is one of the most magical moments of the year ;>)
Your Xmas quilts are beautiful, May Britt, of course I'll vote!
Eg har og stemt på deg!
Håpar de har gode førjulsdagar!
.... og takk for det fine julebroderiet;o)
Oj, så många fina quiltar, men det var en speciell som fick min röst ;)
Önskar dig en riktigt God Jul!!
You have my vote. Beautiful stitching.
Happy Christmas Siobhan :)
Of course you have my vote!!!
It`s very sad,that your children are away from home on Christmas...Poor Mum!!
My son who lives in Berlin first comes with his family on New Years Eve, because they want to celebrate Christmas at home.....Berlin is 6 hours by car away from us, so they can`t come around for a coffee..:-))
But my daughter and her husband are coming on Christmas Eve.....
Have a lovely time with your son. For so many years my son lived in the eastern U.S. so we didn't get to see him much. Now he has moved here and it will be wonderful to be with him and his wife,for Christmas. It's great time to be a Mama!
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