Now I have a bowl of scraps on my table and I think it is pretty to look at, and I feel happy about having prepped a lot of projects today. I got so inspired at our last quilt meeting when Trine Bakke told us how she prepped projects and had them ready for stitching whenever she wanted to sew. And that is what I also love to do. To prepp a lot of projects, keep them in boxes and purses so I can grab one and sew on while watching tv, or that I have a lot of “on-the-go” projects when I goes for a visit or at a quilt meeting.
Today I have prepped all the remaining applique blocks for the Red Home quilt.
I have also ironed and prepped four quilts for basting.
Tomorrow Bjørg will join me and we’ll spend the day basting a lot of quilts. We are using the canteen at work where we can put big tables together to get big enough tables to baste big quilts.
Rusken have found himself a new favourite place among my cushions.
Saying for today:
Du verden for en orden i rekkene:-) Jeg har alltid liggende tinge på lur som jeg kan sy eller strikke på. Det er en nødvendighet for å ha det bra! Ha en fortsatt god helg:-)
So much better to use the tables than the floor. Better on your back and knees.
I love to prepare as well, but you may never run out. It's very satisfying to see so much sewing ready to be worked on. Enjoy your basting day, using the tables will get so much more done than on the floor.
I should do more prepping for projects. Usually I have some stitching ready.
What a nice blog post. I do admire a pile of scraps too, not just that they mean work was done, but for their simple beauty that is unique every time. You have inspired me to get more things prepped ready to "grab and go", rather than race around looking for bits to take on an outing. debbie
Beautiful fabrics you have chosen. I love the idea of having lots of projects prepped, but I am normally too impatient to start stitching :)
Å som jeg misunner deg, jeg liker ikke å forberede til applikering, men jeg liker godt å applikere. Tenk om jeg kunne ha din orden! Jeg har alltid stitchery liggende ferdig påtegnet:)
Så spennende!
Alltid gøy å høre hvordan andre jobber og behandler prosjektene :0)
Håper du har en kjempefin søndag og at dere koser dere med teppene!
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